Averil Brilliantine

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A minor character from Death of a Darklord, Averil Brillantine was an half-elf mage and the daughter of Silvanus Brilliantine. She was an adventurer along with her father, Frederic Vladislav, and Randwulf.[1] Beyond being a magic user, AVeril was an alchemist, able to create healing potions[2]


Averil's human mother was killed magic[3]

In the Land of Mists, Averil and her party were attacked by a pack of wolves led by Harkon Lukas in his dire wolf form. Silvanus was maimed, whereas Frederic and Randwulf were both killed. His party was rescued by Jonathan Ambrose and his associates.[1] Silvanus raised his companions from the dead.[1] However, later he found that he was cut off from his divine patron in the Land of Mists, and his powers of healing became diminished as the land of Kartakass resisted him. He called upon Elaine Clairn to use her unique magical powers to heal his party, and he mentored her in how to perform magical healing.[4]

Averil and his party went with Jonathan Ambrose, Elaine Clairn, and the Brotherhood of Broken Blades to Cortton, where they hoped to suppress the Zombie Plague of Cortton.[5] There, zombies injured Averil, and she became infected with a fever. The fever proved lethal, as Silvanus found himself unable to cure her affliction.[6] Elaine attempted to resurrect Averil, but the attempt only made her a screaming abomination of flesh. Just as quickly, Averil and Fredric euthanised Averil.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Death of a Darklord p.97-111
  2. p. 133
  3. p. 193
  4. p. 158-182
  5. p. 190-205
  6. 250-252
  7. p. 275-281, 295