Dmitri Nuikin

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Dmitri Nuikin is one of the main characters from Scholar of Decay[1]. In universe, he is a Borcan nobleman. He is the younger brother of Aurek Nuikin by almost 15 years and the Brother-in-law of the now deceasedNatalia Nuikin. He also has four other sisters Naive and socially oblivious to a tee, Dmitri was putty in the hands of Louise Renier as a tool to manipulate Aurek into a plot to murder Jacqueline Renier. The plot failed but ended in tragedy for everyone.


Dmitri Nuikin is a young, athletic man trained in weapons and fighting. He killed a man once in a duel to defend his sister's honor. However, he naive and highly seeking of social approval. He once desperately wished to get brother's approval, but at the same time found Aurek to be a callous, arrogant intellectual with little love for anyone. After Natalia became trapped in the form of a small statuette, Aurek announced he was traveling to Richemulot to research history there. The Nuikin sisters demanded Dmitri tag along, as he had recently earned the wrath of Ivana Boritsi, a wrath likely to prove fatal if he remained in Borca. After moving to Pont-a-Museau, he fell under manipulation by Louise Renier, whom Dmitri thought was a romantic interest, and Yves Milette's clique, whom Dmitri thought were his friends

In Pont-a-Museau, the brothers' estrangement worsened, especially under the influence of Louise Renier. The Renier noblewoman pretended to love him and drove (more of a wedge) between the brothers Nuikin in order to discover Aurek's skills as a wizard and then a way to exploit him as a weapon against Jacqueline. Louise ultimately manipulated Dmitri into stealing the Natalia Nuikin statuette and delivering to her while remaining ignorant of the statuette's true nature. With the statuette in her possession, Louise held it hostage to force Aurek to help her murder Jacqueline. The plot failed spectacularly (partially because of Yves Milette and his clique), but it ended in tragedy for most everyone. Louise's betrayal was discovered, Natalia's statuette broken, and Dmitri was traumatized by the evil he had been manipulated into committing. Exiled from Richemulot, the Nuikin brothers were to be escorted to the border by coach.


  1. Scholar of Decay, throughout