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Arrness is a nonplayer character from the Ravenloft campaign setting sourcebook Children of the Night: Ghosts. She appears in the adventure Expiation, the accompanying adventure for the Unfamiliar.

Role in Children of the Night: Ghosts

In Expiation, Arrness knows about the threat the Unfamiliar possesses against the player character that its its target for corruption, so she attempts to warn away the player character. She at first makes indirect attempts due to her preference for being mostly unknown. However, she will eventually intervene directly (or at least, via a Project Image spell)[1]


Born the bastard child of a noble in the Lendore Isles on Oerth, Arrness conspired with assassins to seize control over her noble family's holdings. The conspiracy was discovered, and Arrness was captured. Tried and convicted, she was sentenced to execution and beheaded. Later, hirelings resurrected her, but her experience in the afterlife made her repentant, and she truly changed her ways (changing her alignment from Neutral Evil to Neutral and may become Neutral Good). When Arrness first came to the Demiplane of Dread, she openly worked against the evils that beset the land, but since then she has become more cautious. She now focuses on redeeming people in danger of [corruption]], favoring indirect means rather than being a direct meddler.[2]

Game Statistics

Signature Possessions

Arness carries a special special magic mirror.[2] ]

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: Ghosts

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p17

Children of the Night: Ghosts - p17-20