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Collodi (AKA Odiare Reload)


  • Culture level: Chivalric
  • Ecology:Full
  • Climate & Terrain: Temperate on the coast, continental on the interior, Collines, Swamps and Forrests.
  • Languages:Collodian (Italian), Mordentish, Paridonian.
  • Religions: Church of Andral, Cult of Hala, Divinity of Mankind.
  • Races:Human (Collodian) 88%, Vistani 9%, Elves 2% Other 1%.
  • Governement: Monarchy.
  • Ruler: Prince Gian Domenico Mazzanti Sorbelloni Viendalmare.
  • Darklord: The Coachman (Stefano Barbagallo.)
  • Analog: Pinocchio/Tuscany early 1800
  • Capital City: Acchiappacitrulli (N/E, Standard, 11,000 ab.)
  • Important towns: Busy Bees Town (L/N, standard 3,000 in), Collodi (N/G, Standard, 8000 in)

Pleasure Island (L/E non standard, 500 in.)

  • Borders: West, Sea of Sorrows; North, Mordent; East, Valachan; South, Mists.

=== Domain Overview Collodi is a land of cultivate hills and thick forrests; a long river, the Narno River flows in the middle of the nation.

It touch all the main towns, the old Capital, on the hills, which gave the Princedom its name, the new capital, Acchiappacitrulli, in a vale, in the center of the nation, and it's main port, BusyBees Town, in the mouth of the river.

In front of Busy Bees Town we have the infamous Pleasure Island, home of the Core's greatest carnival.

The old town of Collodi it's renowned in the Core for his wood-artisans, it's clock-makers, and it's leather workers.

The Dome of Light, in Collodi, it's the Domain most ancient Temple dedicated to Andral. A little forest, Hala's Wood, grows neatby Collodi; It's the most ancient shrine of Hala in the region.

The best Inn of the town is The Red Shrimp's Inn.

The much bigger and thicker Fairy's Forest surround the hills on which Collodi lays; it reach the mountain on the norhern borders, and there lives the Elves.

When the forest fade, and the river enlarge, you enter in the territory of the Capital, Acchiappacitrulli; The name means catcher of fools, and the city is so full of brothels, bisques, inns and markets, that many fools are indeed catched.

The Cathedral of the Raven here, is the seat of the head of Andralian Faith. The New Castle is the current house of Prince Gian Domenico, and it is opulent, extravagant and excessive.

On the South, lie the insidious Assassin's Forrest, dotted of little hamlets and villages; The Narno River then goes west, towards the sea, were lay Busy Bees Town; A Thriving port and market town, it house a Monastery of the Divinity of Mankind, Hard Work Home.

On the south the Assassin's Forrest gives way to the Fever Swamp;

A few miles in front of Busy Bee Town we found Pleasure Island;

It's one the most notorious carnivals in the Core, and house Barbagallo Estate, home of the richest man of the domain. The island is notorious also for breeding a race of very intelligent, long living, hightly resistent donkeys. ===


The People Collodians are hard working, practical and with a dry humor, and an ever-present ironic streak. Generous and pragmatic, they distrust strangers, but don't shun them;

Collodians are traders, so, they don't judge a possible customer by his race; (any outcast ranking drop by one, with the exception of Vistani; theyrs increase by one.)

The only exception from Collodians hospitality are Vistani; Vistani are thieves, kidnappers, con artists and a lazy lot; They can be fun, but all in all, better keep them out the cities. This is the common attitude of Collodians on Vistani.

All Collodians, even nobility, are expected to have a trade of sort; Even the Prince is a banker, at least in name.

Beggers are seen as pariah, (+1 Outcast ranking) by all save the Church of Andral. Every Collodian Kid needs to learn his letters, and three years of school is mandatory for every kid from 6 to 9. Many collodians know how write, read and count.

Collodians have a rich oral traditions, and they gather after dark fell, to share stories together. Collodians do not forget easily, neither kindness, nor wrong;

If slandered, they can go to extremes to prove the slanderer wrong; The story of Matteo has became popular in the whole Core: Matteo was an homeless, which got his living helping women with heavy choirs, and changing often farm; One day he complained about the quantity of food he got from a family; The family head invite him at dinner, and gave him a rich feast; however, whem Matteo was full, and ready to go, the family head took out his crossbow, and forced him to keep eating until he exploded.

All in all, Collodians are a good folk, but they do tend to be hightly proud in theyr community achievements; bitter rivalries exist between neighbouring communities, and they can even erupt in small scale wars.