Abber Dream-Catcher

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Dream-Catchers are magic talismans, usually created by Abber Shamans.

Abber Dream-Catchers can be used to successfully navigate through nether portals the Nightmare Lands.[1] They can also be used to protect a dreamer's dreams from outside intrusion.[2] When used in this fashion, each attempted intrusion shatters one of the glass beads woven into the dream-catcher. When all the beads (typically five to start with) are gone, the item no longer functions. The navigation power is detailed in the 2nd edition Nightmare Lands boxed set, and the protection power in the 3rd Edition Van Richten's Arsenal. Rather than considering this a contradiction, it can be assumed that the navigation power only works in the dream world, and the protection power only works in the waking world.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

The Nightmare Lands
Van Richten's Arsenal

The Nightmare Lands:Rules of Dreams and Nightmares - p56
Van Richten's Arsenal - p47

The Nightmare Lands:Monstrous Supplement - p8
The Nightmare Lands:Rules of Dreams and Nightmares - p56
The Nightmare Lands:The Journal of Dr. Illhousen - p31
The Nightmare Lands:Book of Nightmares - p57
Van Richten's Arsenal - p43