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A Vorlog is created when the process of creating a vampire bride is interrupted by the slaying of the vampire. The potential bride becomes a vorlog, trapped between life and undeath. A vorlog has charisma and wisdom draining powers, and often fixates on victims who remind them of their lost vampire love. The vorlog will woo its chosen victim for a time, until the differences between this surrogate and their lost lover become too much to bear, usually causing the vorlog to kill its victim.[1]

(As vorlogs can be Category:humanoid or Category:monstrous Humanoid without changing type to Category:undead, they cannot be conclusively filed in either category, hence, they are a Cross-type Template.)

Vorlogs are known to be encountered in the following domains:Barovia[2]

Descriptive Text

"She's mine," the gleeman said, his mouth dripping red. In his arms Cassandra stirred, as if waking from slumber; I could see the blood from her neck staining the breast of her nightgown. "You killed my lover because you couldn't bear to see us together, happy. I would have been her slave forever. That's what I wanted." His voice rising to a hoarse scream, he grated out, "Don't you understand? I can't be alone. I need her."

I did not know which woman--the blood-mistress who had been slain, or the innocent in his arms--he referred to. I doubt he did either.

-The Seal of Blood, Jean Lafolie, Twelve Tales of the Macabre[3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Denizens of Darkness

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - p116
Denizens of Darkness - p168

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 116-117
Denizens of Darkness - pp167-169

Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 116-117
Denizens of Darkness - pp167-169

Pages in category "Vorlog"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.