Category:Hoard Scarab

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Hoard scarabs are very tiny vermin that lurk among treasure caches. Hoard scarabs resembles a beetles with no eyes. When inactive, they also resemble, and may easily be mistaken for, gold or silver coins. A hoard scarab innately uses this to its advantage, having a considerable bonus to hide among coins waiting for potential prey.[1]

A hoard scarab attacks by bite and then burrowing into the skin of its prey and feasting on their bodies from inside. Once inside, only a Remove Disease or similar effects capable of ending diseases will stop a burrowing hoard scarab beetle. Though they can attack singly, hoard scarabs prefer to attack en masse as as swarm.[1]

Though lacking eyes, a hoard scarab can perceive its environment via tremorsense.[1]

Descriptive Text

"Achmed was a fool. He was always lead astray, whether it was the twinkle of a woman's eye, or the glitter of gold."

"The glitter of gold, by the way, was what lead to his demise, in fact, ever since he stole a handful of coins from a dead beggar's alms bowl. Every merchant he gave one of those strange little coins to was found dead and coinless, each with gaping holes in their bodies. The townsfolk gossipped on how Achmed was turning to thievery and murder, and eventually lynched the fool."

-from "The Tale of the Hungry Coins"[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Draconomicon p. 167-168
  2. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by Gemathustra), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board.


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