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Canon Information

Native to Faerun, darkenbeasts are malicious magical beasts with reptilian heads, clawed wings and legs, and long tongues. They are animals transformed by arcane spellcasters using the Create Darkenbeast spell. The Red Wizards of Thay have been known to employ them.[1]

The darkenbeast has a unique ability in that its creator may cast a single spell upon the darkenbeast's creation to be cast by the darkenbeast later as a spell-like ability. However, employing this spell-like ability kills the darkenbeast. A darkenbeast is vulnerable to daylight; the light of a daylight spell causing the creature significant disorientation. Exposure to true sunlight for long enough causes a darkenbeast to revert back to its original animal form[1].

Within the Demiplane of Dread, darkenbeasts can be encountered in the domain of Hazlan[2][3][4]. While inside his sanctums, Hazlik may rely upon his darkenbeasts to come to his aid when called[5].

Descriptive Text mistaking it, Old Silas was as cruel a man as any in these parts: vicious to his wife, brutal to his boys and scornful to his daughters. Worst of all, by far, to his beasts, from his broken-down carthorse to those miserable sacks of bones and feathers in the henhouse. He starved his cattle, kicked his sheep into moving if they wouldn't heed his raggedy old dog; he cut the throats of piglets without even hiding them from the sow's sight, and what kind of a gods-fearing man does that, I ask you? If ever a farmer deserved his own livestock's hatred, Old Silas was that man.

Thinking back, now, I can't help but wonder if that foul fiend of a Hazlani knew Silas was such a man, when he choose whose farm to work his deviltries upon. Because those things he'd warped and twisted those dumb, pitiable beasts into -- the things that tore Old Silas to pieces, first of all their prey -- seemed like that very hatred he'd kindled in them, made flesh: vile hatred for him, and for all men, and boasting all the claws and spines and teeth and terror them poor beasts must've wished they'd had, to turn against such a cruel, uncaring master....

-- Malcolm Byrne, witness to the Hillsdarrow Farm massacre[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Monsters of Faerun p. 30-31
  2. Ravenloft: Realm of Terror, p. 73
  3. Ravenloft Campaign Setting: Domains and Denizens, p. 17
  4. Gazetteer I p.46
  5. Ravenloft Gaz Vol. I p. 140
  6. Descriptive text from John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (contributed by Nathan Okerlund), from posts on the Fraternity of Shadows message board.

Pages in category "Darkenbeast"

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