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Fantomah, a character formerly owned by Fiction House Publications, but adaptable to Ravenloft, is a girl with incredible powers who grew up alone in the jungle, protecting it and its people. Originally, she could fly, become transparent so that her skull glowed through her skin, and change other People's shape. Later her powers were diminished so that she could no longer fly or become transparent, though she had some good fighting skills. She was originally a tall blonde with a dress made from leaves; later after becoming queen of a jungle Kingdom, her hair turned red and she wore the ceremonial garb of an Egyptian priestess of lsis and Anubis.

Character History

Nothing is known of Fantomah's past or childhood, but it is known that she used her powers to protect the jungle and was thought of as a spirit until the day the ruler of a distant jungle kingdom lay dying. With his final breaths, he named Fantomah as his chosen successor before dying. A servant of his travelled deep into the jungle to meet Fantomah, and found her by her favourite pool in the jungle. Handing her the ceremonial robes of a priestess of Isis, the servant waited till she put them on. In a flash of lighting she was changed, her beauty was enhanced and her hair turned a reddish colour. Before she could say more, the servant was shot by an arrow, and when she died in Fantomah's arms, her last words were:

"Beware, Princess . . . Beware . . . Of the . . ."

Travelling alone through the jungle, Fantomah encountered the Chief of the Spotted Men, who offered to take her to her kingdom. Looking at him, she realized he was evil.

"It is YOU I should Beware of!" she cried, and he replied:

"You guessed, but too late! Now l, Nufutu, will destroy you!"

But Fantomah's pet panther Fury had run after her and now grabbed Nufutu by the arm, allowing her to escape. She had to cross a rope bridge to get to her kingdom, and once there, cut the ropes and let the bridge fall into the river with the Spotted Men on it, then ran into the city where she was welcomed as its Princess. A priestess of Set named Nakilah, however, sent an old man into the crowd who said:

"Wait! How do we know this is our Princess? She could be lying to us!"

Enraged by her words of peace, the soldiers grabbed Fantomah and dragged her into an ancient tomb. Calling on the powers of the gods, Fantomah shouted:

"O Isis and Anubis, get me free from this ancient tomb!"

As if by magic, the rock before the entrance fell away and Fantomah was able to escape with the aid of a handsome soldier named Tuthmose, who then brought her to her palace, where she was finally crowned as ruler.


Jungle Comics #27 (Fiction House publication, the unnamed Fantomah story is the closest thing to an origin she's ever had)