Earl Turalitan Zal'honan

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Earl or Lord Turalitan Zal'honon is an important character in the past of Azalin Rex, known during Turalitan's time as Firan Zal'honan. Turalitan is the father of Firan as well his brothers Ranald and Irik.[1] Turalitan was also the ruler of Knurl. Lord Turalitan exiled Quantarius because Firan summoned a demon that killed his brother Erik. Turalitan's relationship with his sons is explored in the novel King of the Dead.


Earl Turalitan ruled Knurl with a noted hatred for arcane magic and wizards. By his own admittance, if he had his way, he would banish every arcane spellcaster from his lands and indeed purge Knurl of all such magic whatsoever. Firan hoped to change all that by becoming a noted practitioner of magic.[2]

In 246 CY (the calendar of Oerth, the world of the Greyhawk campaign setting), adolescent Firan and his friend Corsalus botched a summoning ritual, resulting in the possession of young Irik by an evil spirit. A quickening transformation of Irik into some sort of fiend ensued. Firan enlisted the aid of Quantarius, who began a ritual to reverse the transformation and undo the possession. However, things quickly went south as Turalitan and his men busted in and saw the monster Irik had become. Refusing to believe the claims that the monster was Irik, Turalitan entered battle and struck Irik dead, not realizing his error until after the fact. Turalitan blamed Quantarius, and for this reason exiled the wizard from Knurl. Firan in turn blamed Turalitan and followed Quantarius to Eastfair[3], never to return to Knurl for as long as Turalitan - or Ranald for that matter - lived.

In 255 CY, Turalitan died and left Ranald as his successor. Firan did not bother to return to attend his father's funeral or reconcile with Ranald.[4]


  1. King of the Dead p. 82
  2. KotD p. 83
  3. KotD p. 81-125
  4. KotD p. 126, 138-139