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Culture Level early Industrial Revolution (12)/early Steam age (10)
Ecology Full
Climate & Terrain Cityscape, fields, Coastline, sea
Year Formed ?
Population ?
Races (%) Humans, shadar-kai, half-elves, Drow, Dwarves, Svirfneblin, halflings,
Languages Celdon
Government Officially a Representative democracy, but secretly a tyranny
Ruler(s) Lord Mayor Weldon Vane/the Spectral Court
Darklord(s) Aleister Scrimp
Nationality {{{nationality}}}
Analog Dark Chrismas Carol
Related Categories
Locations in Celdon
Transportation in Celdon
Inhabitants of Celdon
Former Inhabitants of Celdon
Flora of Celdon
Fauna of Celdon
Native Monsters of Celdon

Things, Creatures & Personages of Legend




Native Horrors





The Straton River

Population Distribution


Celdon - the Capital and only settlement within the domain

Districts of Celdon

  • High Towne - The district inhabited by the elites of Celdon
  • St. Mathias Market Square - The main shoping district of Celdon
  • The Financial District - The hub of all money lending and banking within Celdon. Within this district lies the offices of Scrimp and Scowley
  • Whitehall - home of the government and police force of Celdon
  • North Straton Suburbs - Home to the middle class
  • South Straton Suburbs - Home to the middle class, but has a lower sigma due to being on the southern side of the river
  • The Sanatorium - A walled district that is the dumping grounds for those afficted with diseases to seperate them from the rest of the poplation
  • The Southwall Tenements - Home to the lower class and most impoverished population
  • Manufacturing District - home to the plants and industries that drive wheels of commerce
  • Debtor’s Isle - the dismal little island that is the enforced home of all those who have no gainful employment, where dispite the lenght of sentence they are to serve, they are expected to live a dismal brief life before dieing of either starvation or the elements.
  • The Fields and Mines of Cel - the outlying area beyond the city that is used for farming. Below the surface and stretching under the city lies the mines that dig up coal, clay, iron and other base matterials



Aleister Scrimp

Temporal Rule

Lord Mayor Weldon Vane is the elected mayor of the city, however, he is little more than an administrator, rubberstamping the laws put forth by the Spectral Court.


  • Alfe Clapham - Clerk at Scrimp and Scowley.
  • Ardella Sullivan - Chief of the Constabulary.
  • Johan Scowley - former business partner of Aleister Scrimp and now head of the Spectral Court.
  • Hugo Cropper - Governor of Debtor's Isle.
  • The Ghost of Midwinter’s Past
  • The Ghost of Midwinter’s Present
  • The Ghost of Midwinter’s Future


Domain of Dread: Celdon