Madame Girani

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Madame Girani was a Vistani raunie of the Kulchevich Family. She is the grandmother of Magda Ilyanova Kulchevich. She might also be a descendant of the fabled vistani hero Kulchek the Wanderer. She and her tribesmen, with the sole exception of her granddaughter, were murdered by Lord Soth or Strahd acting on behalf of Soth. With her dying breath, Madame Girani cursed Soth to never return to Krynn.[1]


As the matriarch of the Kulchevich family, Madame Girani traced her ancestry back to the Vistani folk hero known as Kulcheck the Wanderer. Of her known relations, she was grandmother to Andari Kulchevich and the previously mentioned Magda Kuchevich. Madame Girani kept Andari from exiling Magda for not doing as she was told (namely, to prostitute herself to a wealthy Barovian boyar so Andari could collect payment). Madame Girani said she had plans to make Magda into a storyteller. However, despite this protection, Magda did not feel particularly close to anyone in the caravan, as she stated that none of her kin would miss her if she perished.[2]

Like other Vistani raunie, Madame Girani was a seer. Her major trade was in the exchange of information for other information or other special things of value. One such thing was a special pet traded to her by a wizard.[3]

In 720 BC[4], Lord Soth entered Madame Girani's Vistani camp seeking knowledge about Strahd. Acting as a spy for Strahd, Madame Girani met with Soth. There was a brief exchange of information, but the parties offended each other. As hostilities emerged, Soth set Madame Girani's "pet" loose upon her and then set her vardo ablaze. Her curse fell upon Soth as she died.[1]

Madame Girani's curse would not be lifted for many years until Magda released Soth from it in her last few moments.[5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Knight of the Black Rose (Novel) p.67-84
  2. KotBR p.68-70
  3. KotBR p.73-78
  4. Domains of Dread p. 17 assigns this date to the events of the KotBR novel
  5. Spectre of the Black Rose