Andor Merriwite

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A character from the Tapestry of Dark Souls novel, Andor Merriwether was the husband of Dirca[1] and the brother-in-law of Ivar[2]. He owned and operated the Nocturne inn with his wife[3] and the winery connected to it with Ivar.[4] Like Dirca, he was unable to have children, but for an entirely different reason. To have progeny would mean to spread the dread disease, he was a infected lycanthrope.[5] He was able to conceal and manage his curse thanks to a Silver Amulet of the Beast given to him by Ivar.[6] Andor was actually one of several lycanthropes residing quietly and discretely in Linde.[7]

During Morgoth's rise to power, Andor fell under his influence thanks to the machinations of Maeve. Andor was among the werewolves sent to attack the Monastery in Markovia. Fortunately, he came about his wits as the battle wound down[8], and he joined in its defense in the face of Morgoth's second attack, this time with undead.[9]

At the end of ToDS, Andor somehow came to peace with Maeve, and her return to performance at the Nocturne lightened his spirits. He needed it; although he though lived through Morgoth's reign of terror[10], his wife Dirca was not so lucky.[11]


  1. Tapestry of Dark Souls (Novel) p. 33
  2. ToDS p. 153
  3. ToDS p. 27, 33, 108-109
  4. ToDS p. 121
  5. ToDS p. 89, 109
  6. ToDS p. 154-155
  7. ToDS p. 231
  8. ToDS p. 259-261
  9. ToDS p. 301
  10. ToDS p. 308-309
  11. ToDS p. 275