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Inajira is a fiend, an arcanaloth from Gehenna in the Lower Planes, called into the mortal world by Count Strahd von Zarovich. He is a collector who deals in souls.[1]

From this fiend, individuals can be granted in this life their heart's desires. In exchange, Inajira is granted proprietorship in the existence to follow over their immortal souls.[2] Individuals entering into such a contract sooner or later come to regret it. One does not get the better of Inajira. He is not deceived, rather it is he who deceives.[3]

Inajira despises Count Strahd von Zarovich who has, so far, evaded the enforcement of the contract that binds them.[3] Judging by Azalin's comments, Inajira and Azalin hold no love for each other either.[4]


Inajira first came to Ravenloft as a result of the events concluding the Grand Conjunction.[3] During these final events, the Demiplane of Dread burst open to let all of its prisoners free onto the Prime Material Plane.[5] Strahd traveled to the Prime Material Plane version of Barovia. This gave Inajira the opportunity to both wreak horrible revenge upon Strahd. In addition, Inajira hoped to retrieve the Book of Keeping (see below) that Strahd had conned Inajira into lending him.[3] (Without his Book of Keeping, Inajira was an exile from his home in Gehenna. To this end, Inajira teleported into Castle Ravenloft on the Prime Material Plane and murdered King Barov von Zarovich VI, mistaking him for Strahd. Inajira quickly realized his error and kidnapped Queen Kristiana von Zarovich to use as a bargaining chip in an elaborate scheme to get his Book of Keeping back.[6] However, Inajira's plans became unglued when his Book of Keeping was destroyed with the touch of the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and the Mists claiming the fiend when it took back Azalin and Strahd.[3]

Activities in Ravenloft

For the most part, Inajira has been keeping a low profile in the Land of Mists.[7] He masquerades as a mortal, being able to maintain a given facade for but a year or two. He dwells invariably in Barovia or its surrounding domains. Presently, he passes himself for as a magistrate and an amateur alchemist in Teufeldorf where he occupies an unwelcoming manor that is furnished principally with with old books and arcana paraphernalia.[3]

Zartin the Red is known to have encountered Inajira in a conflict with Strahd.[8]

Although Dr. Rudolph Van Richten speculates there might be a connection between Inajira and Arijani[7], there is no apparent connection.

Inajira's Book of Keeping

Inajira's Book of Keeping is where he keeps the record of his contracts. They are signed in blood. As an artifact, it is immune to all damage or harm from normal sources.[9] Since Inajira's arrival in Ravenloft, he has busied himself with filling the pages of its replacement, a phylactery given to him thanks to the Dark Powers.[3]

In Myth and Legend

The name of this fiend is sometimes recorded as Ijrail or Inraji, such as the legends of the Tergs calling a fiend to send after then General Strahd. In these legends, General Strahd banished the fiend.[4] This may be a reference to the event that fulfilled completed Hyskosa's Hexad and defeated the Grand Conjunction. In brief, adventurers went back in time to when Inajira was about to complete the pact with Strahd and banished the fiend before he got the chance, thus changing history.[10]

Reality Wrinkle

10,000 ft, Corruption Index 0[2]

Comparison With Standard Arcanaloths

Inajira is unique among arcanaloths in that he casts spells as a wizard.[2] Most arcanaloths cast spells as sorcerers.[11] The reason of this difference is unknown.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

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Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I

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Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p143

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Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp141-143

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Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp141-143

The Pariah Fiend