Colin Graben

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Canon Information

A Lebendtod and member of the Graben Family. Colin oversees the family finances and relations with the outside world.[1] In the event of foreigners coming to speak with the Grabens, Colin Graben is the one they are likely to speak to.[2] Colin was the son of Matthias Graben, grandson of Ezekiel Graben, and nephew of Danar Graben. Danar and his wife lost their lives to a horseback riding accident[1]


Colin Graben was never given full canon game statistics. As a lebendtode, his hit dice was determined by age,[3] but he was never given an exact age, forcing gamemasters to infer it.[4]

Non-canon Information

Colin Graben is further detailed in the Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer. His mother is a Mordentish woman named Lydia Graben, herself a descendant of the Holsworth Family.[5]. His son (now deceased) was Horst Graben.[6] Colin is an uncle of Ichabod Graben.[7]

As of 760 BC, Colin remains the patriarch of the Graben Family, though to the public his will is enacted through his grandson and public emissary Josiah Graben (supposedly appointed in 751 BC.)[8] In reality "Josiah" is merely an alias for Colin to operate more actively in town.[9] He is still subservient to Meredoth, though he has gained enough self-will to secretly conspire against his lord. Due to damage he sustained in the 737 BC attack on Graben Manor (see below), his recomposed body is a patchwork of torn up flesh and tissue. However, he can disguise this with his veil of life ability.[4]

Graben survived the 737 BC attack that resulted in the (temporary) death of Meredoth, but not without great change. His body was severely chopped and mangled by the adventurers responsible for the attack. In addition, his already chopped up body parts were burned as Graben Manor was razed. He literally had to pull himself back together again by apparent willpower alone, a seemingly impossible achievement.[10] Such a process granted Colin the Swarm-Shifter template.[11] Furthermore, Colin had regained his ability to despise Meredoth, to desire the fulfillment of the hedonistic freedoms he used to enjoy (see below), and even to act of his own volition in a limited capacity. However, he still remains subservient to Meredoth, much to Colin's chagrin. Although he remains an Obedient Dead, he may be on the path to becoming one of the Restless Dead.[12]


The Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer pains a dark portrait of Colin long before he was murdered by Meredoth. In life, he was debauched through and through. He performed a number of dirty tricks: Blackmail, extortion, and stealing jewels were some of his most practiced crimes. When he felt his secrets might get out in 672 BC, he committed a number of murders to conceal his evil deeds and made them look like accidents. When Danar Graben, his uncle, investigated the murders, Colin murdered Danar and his wife Brynna Graben by forcing an accident while they were out horse riding. Colin ceased killing after their deaths, but he did not stop his other criminal activities.[13]

The gems he stole eventually brought the Graben Family Meredoth's notice. Impressed by such wealth, Meredoth massacred all but the youngest Grabens and reanimated them all as lebendtod. Meredoth's taunts to Colin were especially horrible as the latter perished. Upon Colin's rebirth as one of the Obedient Dead, he became a thrall consumed by the Craving to obey and please his dark master, a compulsion that stole his ability to hate Meredoth. Brynna's curse struck again after the 737 massacre, as Colin regained his free will and self-awareness. For a short time, Colin lived independently but horrified at his inability to feel any of life's former pleasures he had once taken for granted. In his rage against Meredoth, Colin pushed his cousin Olsain Graben, who had not lost his obedience to Meredoth, off a cliff to his final death. Things became worse when Meredoth was reborn as a clone. Colin became obedient again, but his ability to despise Meredoth (and all of the pain the dissonance between his feelings and his commands) remained[14]

Current Sketch

Though still technically an Obedient Dead, Colin pursues his own goals while still obeying Meredoth's orders via any loophole he can. Colin rankles at his undead existence and despises the other undead around him.[6] Despite his hatred for his duties, Colin has proved an effective administrator for the Grabens and Graben-town, for under his stewardship, Graben Island is blooming into more of a trade hub. Colin subtely influences Meredoth by giving hints and implications on what the necromancer should do- thoughts that the necromancer takes as his own.[15]


Male human lebendtod swarm-shifter aristocrat 3 / rogue 9[16]

Associated Dread Possibilities

The Nocturnal Sea Gazetteer provided several dread possibilities that were connected to Collin Graben.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

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