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Tiyet is the darklord of Sebua, located in the cluster known as the Amber Wastes.[1] While she does not appear to be so, she is a mummy.


In life, Tiyet hailed from an outlander land called The Black Land. Tiyet was the second wife of Khamose, one of the Pharaoh's sons. She was not the Grand Wife, a title she coveted and an honor reserved for Khamose's first wife, Nufreri. A jealous Tiyet tricked Nufreri into a compromising position with a slave, and Khamose charged her with adultery and had her executed. Tiyet then became the Grand Wife. Unfortunately for her, she was not the only one who knew of her deception.[2]

Zordenahkt had discovered what Tiyet had done -- which suited him well because he secretly lusted after Tiyet. He used blackmail to secure her affections, but a true romantic relationship formed over time. Tiyet also discovered that Zordenakht was secretly a priest of a forbidden order that worshipped the dark gods.[3]

One evening, Tiyet awoke from a nightmare where she was judged by her gods for the sins she committed. On her next visit to Zordenahkt, she pleaded with him to find a way to prevent it. He said there was a way, but it could only be performed on the recently deceased. After some time, both of the lovers forgot the nightmare and resumed their tryst.[3]

Tiyet, to her misfortune, underestimated the perception of Khamose. He sent a servant one day to trail her and find out what she was up to. The servant overheard both Tiyet and Zordenahkt, and he returned to his master with the news. At that time, Tiyet returned to the palace to overhear that she had been discovered. She fled to Zordenahkt, and pleaded with him to kill her and perform the ritual for mummification and eternal binding to the mortal world. He refused, so she took her own life with a dagger. Only then did Zordenahkt perform the profane ritual on her, removing her heart and placing it in a canopic jar filled with oil. When he completed the ritual, he consumed poison and died right next to her.[3]

Tiyet awoke the next evening to find Zordenahkt beside her. She was then compelled to return to her palace home, where she heard the beating hearts of every resident -- Khamose's being the loudest and most identifiable. She removed his heart while he was still alive and consumed it, which ended the sound of beating hearts in her mind. She stole away back to Zordenahkt and returned to a slumber. When she awoke, Zordenakht was gone and the surroundings alien to her. She had been transported to Ravenloft, far from her original kingdom and time, and she became the lord of Sebua.[3]

Current Sketch

Tiyet lives alone in a small estate in the barren land of Sebua. With the exception of the wild children, there are no native living creatures in the land. This alone does not trouble her, as she has come to despise the living and prefers not to be in their company. However, she suffers from loneliness, and what she wants most -- Zordenahkt -- is forever denied to her. During "parties" at her estate, the Dark Powers provide the sounds and ambiance for an era long since vanished. Every once in a while, she will hear Zordenahkt's voice, only to have it disappear. She has come to learn that not only was she sent far away from her kingdom but also over a millenia later. This knowledge pains her to no end.[3]

Another facet of her existence that pains her is the desire to, at least annually, consume a human heart. This desire disgusts her and serves as yet another reminder of her lost humanity.[3]


Tiyet controls every single undead creature in her realm. She also has a particularly devastating attack that can slay men instantly, and her kiss permanently drains strength from a victim as long as he remains within Sebua. She can also control the weather, creating vicious sandstorms. When she wishes to close her domain, a sandstorm sweeps across the border, preventing any escape.[4]


2nd Edition: female unique, 12 HD mummy, Neutral Evil[1]

Pathfinder female human Rank 4 Ancient Dead rogue (Deadly Courtesan) 6/courtier 7[5]

Other Notes

  • It's been speculated that Har'Akir, the neighboring domain, is the modern day nation of what used to be kingdom that Tiyet lived in.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Domains of Dread

Domains of Dread - p108
Darklords - p81

Domains of Dread - pp108-110
Darklords - pp88-89

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p7
Domains of Dread - pp108-110
Darklords - pp80-85