Dr. Vinchenzio

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Descriptive Text

“Isn’t it precious? The pearls, the ivory, the strangely long, fluid design? Have you ever seen anything comparable? No doubt one such as you will have heard whispers of Shay-lot, of the city lost beneath the sea. This is its key. Take it into your hands. Do you not hear the waves, taste the salt, feel the tug of the current in your hair? I assure you that its owner dreams much, much more. But what is one such as I to do with the sea? What is gold, indeed forgotten treasures untold, to the Vistani? But a chain that is not to be borne. The thing offends me. It is a curse, filling my thoughts with concerns that would turn me from the open road. Veritably I have spoken of it, have told you its truth. It is mine now to do with as I wish and I would sell it to you. Let us come to a mutually agreeable price for a key that is a treasure.”

-Dr. Vinchenzio, travelling showman and Vistani outcast

Descriptive text contributed by cure to John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (posted on the Fraternity of Shadows message board).


Dr. Vinchenzio is a darkling, a Vistani outcast who was driven from the Canjar Tribe for an unspecified crime or crimes. He seeks to share his suffering with the world and in particular provokes villagers against their fellows. He is a skilled manipulator who presents himself as a traveling showman, driving his Vardo of Visions from community to community. He is given to striking secret agreements with individual villages to further their, and his own, nefarious ends. But his true genius lies in persuading communities that he knows the means of restoring health to their withered crops. The means of effecting this involve putting a seemingly valuable item, allegedly a rainstone from a distant land, in the hands of a community member who, if pure of heart, will serve as the catalyst for a pure rain. Should this individual not be ure heart, however, the rain will be corrupt. Dr. Vinchenzio always selects a pauper and social outcast for this honour, counting on members of the community to gather against him or her and seize item for themselves. The darkling then use the rain of terror spell to visit a corrupt rain upon the region with the blame falling upon the impurity of item's possessor.

Dr. Vinchenzio's Vardo of Visions, Mark Graydon


Male Darkling, Wizard, Chaotic Evil