Perseyus Lathenna

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Perseyus Lathenna is a gnome wizard, who has lived her entire life in Gyda, Valachan. A friend of Dr. Rudolph van Richten, she survived an encounter with Lady Adeline that left her badly maimed, with the lose of her left hand and the loss of several fingers from the right hand.[1] She has corresponded with the Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins, having met (and received a good amount of moral support and spiritual guidance from) Dr. van Richten when he was investigating the Laughing Man of Valachan.[2]


Expert 5 / Wizard 5, Chaotic Good[3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Van Richten's Arsenal

Van Richten's Arsenal - p144

Van Richten's Arsenal - pp142-143

Van Richten's Arsenal - pp142-144