Category:Ahltrian (Ghoul)

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The Ahltrian were the elite servants of the Grand Caliph Muhdar ab Sang. After possessing Ab Sang, Ebonbane corrupted the Ahltrian into an army of assassins. When Kateri Shadowborn defeated Ebonbane and expelled it from the Caliph, the last three remaining Ahltrian, the Dark Triad, summoned their master back into the world.[1] Ebonbane's first act was to slay the Ahltrian and animate them as undead. Since then, the ranks of the Ahltrian have grown, and all of them are ghouls in Ebonbane's service.

"Ebonbane can animate anyone who dies in Shadowborn Manor or the Phantasmal Forest as an intelligent ghoul known as an Ahltrian. If a humanoid corpse is left lying in the mire of the Phantasmal Forest, then after a 1d4 minutes it sinks into the swampy earth and, 1d4 daays later, digs out of the mud at Forenoon Abbey, now one of the Ahltrian and utterly subserviant to Ebonbane. The ghoul retains the Intelligence score it had in life, but does not retain any other abilities. These ghouls, which Nidalans call the Ahltrian, remain enslaved to Ebonbane until their destruction. [2]

Ebonbane can't leave its tiny domain, but the Ahltrian can. They regularly steal into Nidala to wreak havoc. Their ultimate goal, beyond simple destruction, is to pull Elena Faith-hold into their ranks, and thus add the whole of Nidala to Ebonbane's holdings. (This would, presumably, let Ebonbane extend its senses into the land, and possibly mean that any corpses left on the soil, anywhere, would be sucked down into the Ahltrian.) Essentially, the whole domain would become just another part of the amorphous, sunless Phantasmal Forest.


  1. Shadowborn p. 174
  2. John W. Mangrum's comments on his plans for the Shadowlands Gazetteer, posted on the Cafe de Nuit


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Pages in category "Ahltrian (Ghoul)"

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