The Bad Wind

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Boreas[1] was an eolian, a creature of chaos from the elemental plane of air. It was called to the Land of Mists by a misanthrope seeking an engine of destruction. His wish was granted. The creature was warped and twisted by its entry into the Land of Mists. No longer did it merely incarnate chaos, it now projected it upon others without so much as a thought. A field of maddening potentiality hung about it and unhinged the mind. But if this was a boon to the creature, there was a commensurate price to be paid. It lost its capacity to pursue any other goal than killing. The frenzied chaos of a fight, which it had always loved, was all that was left to it in the world. And somehow added to that was the misanthropy of its would be master.

Boreas, in a frenzy, tore free of its chains, chains crafted perhaps to hold not the creature that it had become, but rather the creature that it had been. It slew its summoner and burst into the wide world. It could not long abide being over earth, its antithesis, so it took to the sea. When a storm would sweep in off the sea and break upon a coastal community, it would "ride" with the storm and do likewise, at once benefitting from the cover of the conditions and revelling in their chaos.

Boreas made the Nocturnal Sea its favourite haunt and after a time a Borcan gentleman adventurer, one Josef Zhitoff who had secured for himself a small ship (the Bulwark) and appointed himself captain, got on its trail. When it fell upon the fishing village of Mavalga in 755 BC, he managed to precede it and organise a sufficient defense to injure it and drive it off. For although the Bad Wind loves to kill, its preference is to live to kill another day.


Data not yet in the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: Demons

Children of the Night: Demons - pp22,25,28

Children of the Night: Demons - pp22-24

Children of the Night: Demons - pp22-29

Bad Wind
The Bad Wind