Domains of Dread

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Third and final version of Ravenloft in the days of TSR, this time in a hardcover book as opposed to a boxed set. Introduced the concept of clusters and pocket domains, several new secret societies, and a number of new classes.

Most notably absent from this version of Ravenloft is Azalin, as it postdates Requiem: The Grim Harvest.

Product Information

  • Authors: William W. Connors & Steve Miller
  • Type: Setting Guide
  • Format: 287 Page Hadcover
  • Release date: 1997
  • ISBN-10 : 0786906723
  • ISBN-13 : 978-0786906727

Summary of Content

1: The Demiplane of Dread: general description of Ravenloft, as well as a history and theories about the nature of the dark powers, and an overview of the technological levels in Ravenloft (from Stone Age to Renaissance)
2: Domains of the Core
3: Islands of Terror (Bluetspur, G´Henna, I´Cath, Kalidnay, Nosos, Odiare, Souragne and Vorostokov)
4: Clusters (Amber Wastes (Har'Akir, Sebua and Pharazia), Zherisia (Paridon and Timor), the Burning Peaks (Vecna and Kas's domains) and Pockets (Davion, The House of Lament, The Nightmare Lands and Scaena)
5: Secret Societies - short chapter on nine secret societies - Keepers of the Black Feather, Green Hand, Circle, Church of Ezra, Vistani, Carnival, Kargatane, Fraternity of Shadows, Unholy Order of the Grave)
6: Fear, Horror, and Madness rules
7: Powers Checks rules
8: The Path of the Priest - changes in the priest class
9: The Way of the Wizard - changes for wizards.
10: Mazes of the Mind - changes for psionics
11: Forged of Darkness - changes for magical items
12: The Whispered Evil - curses.
13: Tenets of Terror - discussion about the general nature of Ravenloft adventures and campaigns
Appendix: ability scores, character races, character classes (some new: Avengers (paladins), Arcanist (wizards), Anchorites (priest of Ezra), gypsy (bard)


  • Clerics and Anchorites turn undead at the same level of ability. Including the Undead Turning table twice was an oversight.
  • Hazlik's ability to close his domain has been omitted. Hazlik can close the borders by raising an impenetrable wall of fire, but he must replenish it every hour, so it usually doesn't last long.
  • p277 - Gabrielle Aderre is referred to as Lord of Borca, when she is of course Lord of Invidia.
  • Nidala and Saragoss (from Islands of Terror) have become Nidalia and Saragossa in DoD, while Mount Baratok (Barovia) is renamed Mount Baratak.