Category:Dread Doppelganger

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The dread doppelganger is a variety of doppelganger found in the Land of Mists and native to Paridon.[1] It is an even more accomplished imposter, deceiver, and manipulator than the standard doppelganger.[2][3] All the doppelgangers of Paridon are dread doppelgangers.[4] The creature's existence was exposed during the 13th murder spree of Bloody Jack in 742 BC.[5] The dread doppelganger, like the standard doppelganger, is a puzzle for abnormal anatomy and abnormal physiology researchers. Dissections have been performed but the creature remains poorly understood.[4]

Beyond the Zherisia, dread doppelgangers can be found in the following domains: Dementlieu[6], Richemulot[7], and Tepest[8].

Dread doppelgangers are discussed at length in Van Richten Society Research Files: Doppelgangers.

Several origins for dread doppelgangers have been proposed. They are possibly derived from a mishap involving an alchemical child. Another possibility is that they were humans altered by alchemy, surgery, or magic, possibly in a misguided attempt of a sect of the Divinity of Mankind to purge impurities from humanity. Also possible is that the first doppelganger was a fusion of a parasite (such as an Impersonator) with a human host. Lastly, they could be from an outlander world.[9]

Dread Doppelganger Clans


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Hour of the Knife
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III
Denizens of Darkness

Hour of the Knife - p63
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 30-31
Denizens of Darkness - p43

Hour of the Knife - pp63-64
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 30-31
Denizens of Darkness - pp43-44

Hour of the Knife - pp6-7,19-20,63-64
Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium III - pp 30-31
Denizens of Darkness - pp43-44

Doppelganger, Ravenloft Doppelganger, Dread