Category:Fassbinder Family

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The Fassbinder family was a family haling from the same community as the infamous Blutkalte family. The Fassbinders were among the few open critics of the corrupting and wicked ways of the Blutkaltes and thus developed an almost entirely hostile relationship between the two families. (The friendship between the young Sebastian Blutkalte and fellow social misfit Philip Fassbinder was an exception, and even then Sebastian had a bad influence upon Philip in moving him towards delinquency.)

Animosity built between the two families until family patriarch and corrupt "healer" Tobias Blutkalte engineered a scheme to isolate and poison the Fassbinders under the cover of quarantining and healing them from a disease. After the Fassbinders were suitably weakened, Tobias called upon the Blutkaltes to murder them in their sleep. The trauma of killing Philip caused Sebastian's true nature as a dread doppelganger to manifest for the first time. Sebastian subsequently killed the other Blutkaltes, though met his demise in the process and rose again as a horrible ghost[1].

It has not bee specified whether the Fassbinders have any still living extended relatives.


Pages in category "Fassbinder Family"

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