Fanny Weldon

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Frances "Fanny" Weldon is a character from Heaven's Bones. A former resident of Alabama, she is the daughter of Beatrice Weldon and Dr. Alistair Weldon, wealthy plantation owners. She was treated harshly by her father but mostly neglected and ignored.[1] However, Fanny had a friend in Sadie, a slave that served as a maid. One day Sadie tried to escape the plantation, but she was caught and murdered by Fanny's father. He never told Fanny.[2]

Frances died in the fire that consumed the plantation during Sherman's March, but she rose as a ghost in Riverbend, a very small domain copy of the Riverbend plantation in the Mists. Frances would wander the Mists from time to time and also manifested at the Riverbend plantation on Earth, a location that was known to be haunted by her spirit. Fanny did not know she was a ghost until two decades after her death, when she was told of the arson that consumed her manor by Daniel Greensmith.[3]

In 1882, she helped Dr. Sophie Huxley escape from Riverbend and the Mists.[4] Fanny shortly thereafter encountered the spirit of Sadie, whom told Fanny that she lingered on because her bones were taken by foxes and thus she was never buried.[2] Daniel Greensmith discovered the bones and buried them, laying Fanny to rest once and for all.[5]


  1. Heaven's Bones Kindle Edition, Locations 92-139, 773-782
  2. 2.0 2.1 4168-4187
  3. 1115-1199
  4. 4091-4099, 4138-4166
  5. 4530-4554