Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume III

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Game Rules

3.0 Edition

Domains & Author

DM's Appendix Contents


  • Published 2003
  • Ravenloft 756 BC in theory, but according to the opening letter research in Dementlieu began in the spring of 757 BC. [Gaz III p. 4]

Authors' Notes

John W. Mangrum

John W Mangrum

I wrote the Foreword and a little material in the Attached Notes, as well as doing my usual shadow developer work on Richemulot and a very limited form of it on Mordent.

All cards on the table: that Gaz III's forth domain, Borca, failed to appear in this book is entirely, 100%, my fault, and this is no small failing on my part. The fact of the matter is that I'd been looking forward to writing up Mordent for years, and when I lost that opportunity, it broke my heart. I ended up spending week after week staring at a computer screen, desperately trying to recapture my inspiration. (That said, I'm perfectly satisfied with the Borca that I did belatedly produce.)


Pg. 26 Josephine Chantreaux can’t qualify for the Pistoleer prestige class as she is a 4th level Aristocrat with a BAB +3 only. Ignore this PrC. (Errata)