Category:Grave Ooze

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Although it might be mistook as one of the undead, the slimy mass of flesh and bone that constitutes the grave ooze is just that, an ooze. The grave ooze has many characteristics of the standard ooze: blindsight, acidity, and the ability to engulf its prey. Unlike most oozes, the grave ooze's touch is poisonous. In addition, although a grave ooze is mindless, the creature seems to show a preference for gravesights, old battlegrounds, and other places where the dead lie buried or blood was spilled in the past. Although it can smell the scent of the deceased and burrows below the earth to get to them, the grave ooze shows no aversion to devouring the flesh of the living.[1]

Grave oozes can be encountered in Falkovnia[2].

Descriptive Text

-"Nothing, and I mean nothing, is as disgusting as grave ooze," snarled Hare.

-"Not Ezrighties?" asked Burke.

-"They don't eat us out of house and home," Hare answered sagely.

-"Mornin'lordies then?" Burke persisted.

-"We only know one and he is dead, buried and eaten long ago," snapped Hare.

-"Dwarf entrails!" Burke answered brightly.

-"Not if you shake them out well like I have shown you a dozen times," Hare shot back.

-"Ok, ok, nuffin' as digusting as the ooze," Burke conceded with a shrug, "but what we goin' a do about it?"

-"Well for starters, you are not going to throw our tools at it like last time," replied Hare with the profoundest irritation.

William Burke & William Hare back in the heyday of Il Aluk when they were in the undead minority

Descriptive text contributed by cure to John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (posted on the Fraternity of Shadows message board).

John W. Mangrum's Grave Ooze Lore[3]

Denizens of Dread

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Dungeoneering) can learn more about grave oozes. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result

16 This rancid mass of pustulent slime and semi-digested carrion is a grave ooze. This result reveals all ooze traits.

21 A grave ooze is a mindless predator that primarily feeds on decaying flesh. However, it just as readily attacks any living creatures that disturb it. A grave ooze attacks by flailing at creatures with its pseudopods.

26 A grave ooze continuously secretes chemicals which help it digest its prey. These chemicals are both acidic and poisonous to the touch. Grave ooze poison is not lethal by itself, but leaves a victim weak and helpless.

31 A grave ooze gives off a sickening stench so powerful it’s sometimes noticeable even through six feet of earth. If a grave ooze latches onto a victim, it attempts to flow over the creature’s body and crush it to death.

36 A grave ooze takes no notice of piercing weapons, and is so attuned to the energies of death that is is immune to necromantic magic as well.


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Denizens of Darkness

Denizens of Darkness - p72

Denizens of Darkness -pp71-72

Denizens of Darkness - pp71-72

Ooze, Grave

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