The Greenlands

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The Greenlands are a lush area that makes up the northern half of the Shadow Rift.[1], separated from the bleak Stowndowns to the south by the Precipice.[2] There are five plateaus that extend out of the ever-shifting grasses of the Greenlands..[1] Three of the plateaus an Arak city on each (Esmerth, Anvolee, and Beliviue).[3] The Shifting Sands is a desert that roams the Greenlands.[4]

Loch Lenore, the area's only truly steady feature, is the major body of water in the Greenlands, fed from above the Rift by the Hidden Cascade and draining out into the Falling River.[1] The River itself takes a wandering path weaving south and east across the Greenlands, meeting the Malachite Palace. After reaching the Palace, the Falling River gathers up speed before ultimately spilling over the Precipice into the Biting Tarn of the Stowndowns below.[1][5]

The prairies and temperate forests dominating the Greenlands are primarily distinguished from similar areas in Tepest and Nova Vaasa by how much more alive and vital they feel, not only of the plants but even inanimate objects.[1] The plant life can move and undulate or even whisper or scream. Any number of other odd or eerie occurrences may happen reflecting the supernatural liveliness and strangeness here.[6] The geography of the land itself, including positioning of the landmarks, of the Greenlands is truly fluid, with some locations moving and others only existing for a brief period.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 The Shadow Rift (Module) p. 119
  2. Gazetteer V p. 100
  3. The Shadow Rift (Module) p. 119
  4. Gazetteer V p. 123
  5. Gazetteer V p. 101
  6. The Shadow Rift (module) p. 70
  7. Gazetteer V p. 100-101

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

The Shadow Rift

The Shadow Rift - pp70-75

The Shadow Rift - p57

Greenlands, The Greenlands