Horn of the Sacred Grove

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Created by Gregory and Dorina, this artifact is held sacred by the druids of Forlorn. Among several special powers, the Horn can be used by a druid (or priest of Daghda or Belenus) to summon the Wild Hunt. Unfortunately, the Horn is hidden in the Maw of Arawn guarded by a bone golem, and the Forfarian druids know not its location.[1]

The artifact has little chance to be used correctly by those not of the Forfarian druid tradition. Once it is removed frmo the Maw of Arawn, Tristen ApBlanc will sense its existence and send his minions to doggedly pursue its owner. The Horn also bears other risks for nondruids; its sue can forcibly change the user's alignment change to neutral. Nondruids may inadvertently conjure the Ravenloft Wild Hunt by blowing the horn in any fashion after nightfall. In such cases, the Wild Hunt makes the Horn's user the prey of its pursuit.[2]


  1. Castles Forlorn: Melancholy Meetings p. 24-26, 28
  2. Melancholy Meetings p. 29

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Castles Forlorn
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I

Castles Forlorn: Melancholy Meetings - pp25-26
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp118-119

Castles Forlorn: Melancholy Meetings - p23
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - pp118-119