Baroness Ilsabet Obour

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Baroness Ilsabet Obour is the main character of the novel Baroness of Blood and the darklord of Kislova, though politically she only rules the country on behalf of her incapacitated husband. She is the daughter of Baron Janosk Obour, and sister of Marishka Obour and Mihael Abour. She is the wife of Baron Peto Casse (the ruler of Sundell) and mother of Lekai. She lives in Nimbus Castle.


Early Life

Ilsabet Obour is one of the Obour Family, the noble family that ruled Kislova for five centuries at the start of 'Baroness of Blood.' Apparent afflicted by a wasting disease that claimed Ilsabet's mother, she inherited both her father's guile and his cruel relentlessness. Baron Janosk observed and respected these qualities in Ilsabet and approved her tutelage by his friend Lord Jorani in not only matters of history and philosophy but also more "esoteric" arts such as alchemy and, more specifically, poisonmaking.

Baron Janosk was embroiled in a Kislovan Civil War and enacted brutal tactics to destroy the rebels and outlaws that resisted his rule. He asked Ilsabet what they should do with Dark, a captured rebel leader. Ilsabet recommended forcing him to watch his comrades be burned at the stake then Blinding him and removing his tongue. He could then be abandoned in the wilderness and, should he survive, serve as an example of what happens to those who resist the Obours. This decision proved to be catastrophic, as Dark lived to deliver word of Kislova's plans for the Invasion of Sundell to Baron Peto Casse. Chardin, a young girl that Ilsabet noticed observing Dark's punishment but said nothing about, proved vital in delivering Dark over the border to Sundell.

In the fallout of Kislova's failed invasion, Sundell defeated Kislova and in turn invaded Kislova. Baron Janosk traded the sacrifice of his life to Baron Peto in return for sparing the Obour Family. Of the Obour Family, only Ilsabet Obour refused to swear loyalty to Baron Peto. In fact, she swore an oath of vengeance against Baron Peto for the "murder" of her father. Before he died, Janosk entrusted the avenging of his death to Ilsabet. Little did he know this quest he impressed upon Ilsabet would spell doom for his family and his country.

Machinations for Revenge

To prepare for her vengeance, Ilsabet caused the deaths of many (incidentally or on purpose) of many, mostly through (and some to further enhance) her developing knowledge of poisons. Her casualty list included (but was not limited to) both siblings and personal servants. Though she avoided punishment by temporal authorities, her actions did not go without repercussion. The deaths (or more accurately, the pain and fear) she caused alleviated the wasting sickness, making her healthier and more beautiful, albeit temporarily. However, she became haunted by the ghosts of those she murdered, particularly Marishka's ghost. She heeded not their warnings of doom she was wreaking upon her family, her country, and even herself. As her kills reached higher proportions, an increasing veil of mist began enveloping Nimbus Castle and the surrounding land.[1]

ilsabet's blooming attractiveness earned her the attention of Baron Peto following Marishka's demise. Although against Ilsabet's initial wishes, she eventually came around to marrying him, if only to better wreak her vengeance and to gain control over both Sundell and Kislova. While at Shadow Castle, she found an ancient and forgotten book that provided her with the dark knowledge to reanimate the deceased. Using this dark knowledge, she created two alchemical undead resembling vampires by reanimating the brothers Emory and Arman. The latter became the captain of her personal guard and informant, informing her of any threat or even complainer of her rule of Kislova.[2] Later, after she seduced Jorani (see below) and the predation of the alchemical vampires drew too much attention, she employed Lord Jorani's to destroy them.[3]

Mostly at the beginning and middle of her career of treachery, Lord Jorani was a fellow conspirator. She had long respected and even loved her mentor and sought out his advice. Although Jorani at first admired and even came to fall in love with the much younger Ilsabet for her ruthless devotion to avenging Janosk, Jorani began to become ill at ease with the levels of Ilsabet's traitorous behavior. However, Ilsabet seduced him, reaching a new persona low by using her words of love for him into mere tools to gain his compliance. Ilsabet eventually gave birth to a child named Lekai, though it is not known for sure whether the child was sired from Jorani's seed or from Peto's seed.[4]

The Noose Tightens

A few years following Lekai's birth, relations with her husband Peto became strained as he became suspicious of the deaths surrounding Ilsabet. Ilsabet sought advice on the future of her son from the Seer Sagesse at Tygelt Cave. The Seer told Ilsabet that her rampant betrayal and murder would doom her and all she holds dear and even cause her to become evil enough to unleash her wrath against her own son. Direly offended, she cut down the helpless Seer. With this killing, the Mists surrounding and in Nimbus Castle reached unprecedented, even unnatural, levels.[5]

As Peto planned to take Lekai away back to Shadow Castle, he fell victim to a poison left by Ilsabet, rendering him helpless and paralyzed in a quicker time than she expected. Islabet feigned to lovingly stay by his side and care for him but was instead slowly killing him. Jorani at last reached the limit of his loyalty to Ilsabet and began administering slow restorative cures to Peto. However, he did this on the condition that Peto never hurt or accuse Ilsabet, only doing enough to ensure she never killed again.[6]

When Shaul suspected Ilsabet's involvement and organized a rescue for Baron Peto, Ilsabet threatened the life of Lekai. If Peto was taken away, their son's life would be forfeit. Shaul gave in, but the Mists reached past Nimbus Castle for the first time, down into Pirie and beyond. In the billowing fog, Lord Jorani rode to the castle after an absence. Warmly received by Ilsabet, he asked her to dismiss the guards (save for a weakened Shaul, badly beaten by Nimbus Castle guards). As Shaul held Ilsabet at bay and Sagra held Lekai, Jorani administered a reviving stimulant to Peto, much to Ilsabet's surprise and chagrin. Peto again moved, and Jorani revealed to Ilsabet that, despite her plans, chances were greater for Lekai to be Peto's child rather than Jorani's.[7]

Revolted with hatred for the likely son of Peto, she said nothing when the monstrous spider she had developed her web poison from approached Lekai. However, Peto also saw the spider and shouted. Shaul raced to save the child but perished against the poisonous web of the spider, as did Jorani. Sagra escaped into the Mists with the child. Blocked from immediate pursuit by the ghost of Marishka, Ilsabet revived her (if she were to have it) lover Jorani as an alchemical vampire and used him to complete her vengeance against Peto. The baroness would rule under her own power[8]


In the aftermath of the confrontation, Peto was dead, exsanguinated by the vampire Jorani. However, Ilsabet never found her child, only the corpse of Sagra, killed by a great fall from the rise over the Arvid River. When she returned, she found Peto was once again alive if paralyzed, as if nothing he'd never been murdered. Dismissing the guests and medical experts tending to him, she decapitated him, but he was alive once again the next morning, as will forever be. Deprived of her vengeance and her loved ones, Ilsabet blamed a curse levied on her by Sagesse the Seer in revenge for her murder.[9]

Current Sketch

Baroness Ilsabet Obour rules over a cursed land she alone knows she is responsible for dooming. As she hoped, she rules over Kislova with Jorani at her side, though he has not the personality nor provides the candor he once did. She is celebrated among the masses as she passes on horseback by day, yet by night unnatural fog blankets the land and masks the predations of new monsters as well as Arman and Emory, somehow revived. Meanwhile, the Baroness herself must feed upon negative emotions, so she feasts off of the kills Jorani makes. The torturous killings are always made in front of Peto. Peto himself is effectively immortal. If slain, he will eventually appear alive again as if nothing happened. Thus, the baroness will never rule of her own accord.[10]


  1. BoB throughout
  2. BoB p. 195-235
  3. BoB p. 241-243
  4. BoB p. 192-195, 294
  5. BoB p. 246-260
  6. BoB p. 261-283
  7. BoB p. 288-296
  8. BoB p. 296-298
  9. BoB p. 299-307
  10. BoB p. 307-309

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Baroness of Blood

Baroness of Blood - Throughout