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Iuz the Evil, also known as Iuz the Old, is a Oerthian demigod, cambion, and the ruler of the Land of Iuz empire in the Greyhawk Campaign Setting. He directly contributed to the corruption of Easan the Mad[1] and besieged Citadel Cavitius in an attempt to steal power from his old enemy, Vecna.[2]

Divine Information

History in Relation to Ravenloft

As Iuz was building his empire, a wood elf from a nearby elven kingdom named Easan discovered Iuz was no mere human but a being demonic in nature. Easan called many times to his kinsmen to wage war upon Iuz before he could take over their kingdom. As Easan's fellow elves began to heed his calls, Iuz's agents kidnapped Easan and delivered him to the City of Skulls, the capital of Iuz's budding empire. With Easan in front of him, Iuz called the elf a warmonger. In return, Easan said that Iuz's mind could not fathom the ways of how the elves thought. Iuz expressed agreement and infused Easan with a fiendish spirit mentally connected to Iuz's mind. The infusion eventually drove Easan to madness.[1]

Easan later gained some mental respite for a time with the help of some mystics living on an island.[1] Iuz later discovered Easan's peace and initiated a horrible magical disaster that destroyed the entire island the monks inhabited. Easan escaped with body intact but not mind. The dread influence of the fiendish spirit awakened once again, and Easan turned to dark science and sorcery to expel the spirit. His research drew the attention of the Dark Powers and made him a darklord.[4]

Eventually Vecna, another ancient enemy of Iuz, rose from the grave as a demigod but became imprisoned in the Demiplane of Dread. Back on Oerth, Iuz discovered a method to become a full-fledged deity by absorbing the power of another demigod. Wishing to take the power of his old nemesis, Iuz took a invasion force into Cavitius, Vecna's domain. This was in fact a trap set by Vecna[5], and Vecna instead absorbed Iuz's power.[6]

Now with the power of a greater deity, Vecna broke free from the Demiplane of Dread. Moreover, he used its cosmic power to burrow into the heart of the enter Sigil to reshape reality. However, Vecna was beaten by a team of adventurers who had incorporated relics of Vecna's mortal body into their own.[6] After Vecna's defeat, he was banished from Sigil and forced onto the Prime Material Plane, where Iuz escaped with his own power restored and an even more passionate hatred of Vecna than before.[7]

Game Statistics

2nd Edition:


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Domains of Dread p. 81
  2. Die Vecna Die
  3. 3.0 3.1 DVD p. 158
  4. Secrets of the Dread Realms p. 58-59, note Ius here is simply referred to as "the tyrant"
  5. DVD p. 2-3
  6. 6.0 6.1 These events are played out in Die Vecna Die!
  7. DVD p. 149-150

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Die Vecna Die

Die Vecna Die - p119

Die Vecna Die - p158

Die Vecna Die - pp119-120