Kara Drakov Likarevie

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Kara Drakov is a legitimate daughter of Vlad Drakov and Lela Dekovan, born in 692 according to the Black Box bloodlines. Her marriage to Dmitri Likarevie and the birth of one child are recorded there[1]; the rest of what follows below is non-canon.



Childrearing is the single skill for which women are truly valued in the Drakov household, and here Kara has disappointed her father bitterly. She bore one child, a son, around the age of twenty, and after three more years without conceiving, her husband took a second wife, and Kara was largely forgotten. Her only child Humbert took his place in Falkovnia's war machine at the tender age of sixteen, and when he died in the Gold Claw Massacre, Kara spiraled into a deep depression. The turning point came during a visit to Richemulot, and upon returning she sought out Estelle Vedarrek to help guide her ambitious plan. It may have been some small compassion for his daughter that led Vlad Drakov to grant his blessing to the project, for surely he was aware that she had been upset of late. At any rate, Kara was allowed to gather Falkovnian women and train them as soldiers, so she might take comfort in her "daughters."