Professor Latimus Rienis

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Professor Latimus Rienis was a genius who poured most of his considerable energy into the fields of anatomy and physiology, yet still managed to be an extremely well-respected citizen of Il Aluk. He spent his entire career at the University of Il Aluk where he became the mentor of Abelhous Nicholsi. The unexpected death from a heart attack of the mentor on the very day of the student's graduation deadened what was supposed to be a joyous event.

Professor Rienis left his brain to science. It was preserved and was known to be in a sample storage room in the biology department. In the months after the Requiem, Professor Abelhous Nicholsi, who had been away on sabbatical when the disaster struck, began to have nightmares that the brain of his mentor had been restored to a malign semblance of life by the wave of negative energy that had devastated Il Aluk. These nightmare were in fact perfectly well-founded for Professor Latinus Rienis has been brought back from death as a brain in a jar and he was toying with his former student. It is not known whether Latimus played any part in Nicholsi's death.