Magda Ilyanova Kulchevich

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Magda Ilyanova Kulchevich is a deceased Vistana. She was the raunie and leader of The Wanderers, who were imprisoned within the borders of Sithicus by Lord Soth. Magda is the mother of Inza Magdova Kulchevich, the granddaughter of Madame Girani, and is a descendant of the fabled vistani hero Kulchek the Wanderer. She was accompanied and guarded by Sabak, a hound descended from that of Kulchek the Wanderer. She also wielded his potent magic cudgel Gard, which was sabotaged by Inza. This betrayal precipitated Magda's death. With her dying breath, she lifted the curse that her grandmother had placed on Lord Soth.

Detailed History

Early Life

Magda originally belonged to the Kulchevich Family, descendants of the fabled Kulchek the Wanderer. In her youth, Magda and her brother Andari would come into frequent arguments. Andari, against the wishes of Madame Girani and Madga herself, tried to arrange for Madga to act as a prostitute for a payment of gold pieces. However, Madame Girani had plans for Magda to become a storyteller[1].

One night in 720 BC[2], the outlander death knight known as Lord Soth, visited the camp of the Kulcheviches seeking knowledge about Count Strahd. Acting as a spy for Strahd, Madame Girani met with Soth. There was a brief exchange of information, but the parties offended each other. As hostilities emerged, Soth set Madame Girani's "pet" loose upon her and then set her vardo ablaze. Her curse fell upon Soth as she died. Soth killed a number of her relatives in the ensuing chaos. Having been earlier entranced by Magda's storytelling dance, Soth took Magda prisoner and forced her to act as his guide to Barovia[3].

As Soth's Captive

With Magda (unwillingly) serving as a guide, Lord Soth traveled through Barovia, eventually ending up in Castle Ravenloft to meet Count Strahd.[4] There, a tense situation was seemingly absolved through Strahd's declaration that all of the Kulchevich's lives would be forfeit for their transgressions against Soth. However, this peace was but momentary, as animosity between the two villains flared into Soth's rampage through the castle. Strahd's minions beset Soth and Magda as they forced their way out of Castle Ravenloft, but to no avail.[5]

Back in Barovia Village, Soth encountered Terlarm, a fellow outlander from Krynn. Under interrogation, Terlarm revealed the location of the Luna River Portal. With the help of the newly-met Azrael Dak and his keen sens of smell, Soth was able to locate and enter the portal. There a a horrible gibbering guardian assaulted Soth, Azrael, and Magda. Though they slew it, the portal turned out to be a dead end. Strahd reappeared and sought to reconcile with Soth. Soth accepted Strahd's appeasement and, manipulated by Strahd into seeking the Hunadora Portal, left for Gundarak. There, Soth was told the spilled blood of Medraut Gundar, Duke Gundar's son, would open s portal to escape the Land of Mists[6]

A pair of giants, Fej and Bilgaar, waylaid and attacked Soth and company during the trip through Gundarak. Azrael and Soth slew the giants, but Magda escaped during the commotion. After pursuit became unfeasible, Soth and Azrael left her to whatever fate had in store for her in Gundarak.[7]

Founding the Wanderers


  1. KotBR p. 63-70
  2. Domains of Dread p. 17 assigns this date to the events of the KotBR novel
  3. KotBR p.67-84
  4. KotBR p.85-108
  5. KotBR p.85-153
  6. KotBR p.154-232
  7. KotBR p.249-252


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

When Black Roses Bloom
Heroes of Light

When Black Roses Bloom - p62

When Black Roses Bloom - pp61-62

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp49-51
When Black Roses Bloom - pp61-62
Heroes of Light - pp92-93

Magda the Wanderer