The Mountain Fane

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From Expedition to Castle Ravenloft. The most ancient of the Three Wilderness Fanes, located on Lysaga Hill. Like the other fanes, the Mountain Fane was corrupted by Strahd as part of his effort to bind himself to the land of Barovia. It grants Strahd a powerful magical armor bonus.[1]


Long before Strahd, the Mountain Fane was the gathering place of a foul cult of witches. However, they were routed by Saint Ecaterina, whom consecrated the site and set up a monastery on Lysaga Hill. Baba Zelena was a priestess and guardian who tended to the Fane. Once Strahd corrupted it, Baba Zelena became corrupted too, transforming into a Green Hag. She now dwells there with her own cult hoping to summon Chernovog.[2]
