Mount Makab

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Mount Makab and its sister Mount Grysl constitute the backbone of the Bluetspurean Balinoks. The pair easily eclipse in elevation the highest peak of the Barovian Balinoks, Mount Baratak, which is to say that they soar to a height substantially over 7,500 ft. Prior to the Great Upheaval in 740 BC, they perhaps rivalled Mount Nyid in Darkon for the title of the highest peak in the Land of Mists. Mount Makab lies to the south of its sister. It was a source of the Musarde. It was also the source of a river that traversed the Nightmare Lands and subsequently may have become the East Musarde south of Arbora in southern Nova Vaasa. Of course it was the Great Upheaval that rearranged everything: Bluetspur disappeared and was replaced by the Misty Border. The waters of the Musarde, however, continue to flow as before, inviting speculation that Bluetspur and its mountains remain as close at hand as ever, only hidden from sight in the Mists. But the picture is more complicated and less certain. For the East Musarde runs not east but west, flowing out of and back into the Mists and is, according to the Vistani, a "continuation" of the Musarde.

Thoughts of Darkness
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting - poster map

Ravenloft Third Edition - pp166-167
Domains of Dread - p84
Thoughts of Darkness - throughout
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p34,69

Thoughts of Darkness - poster map, inside front cover
The Ravenloft Campaign Setting - poster map