Category:Soul Transference

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Soul transference is among the greatest ambitions to trouble brilliant minds in the Land of Mists.

The principal difficulty of the necromatic approach to the problem, as Azalin himself has discovered, is finding a pair of willing participants. Neither his faithful subject Oldar Wahldrun nor his conscientious son Irik wanted any part of such an exchange and together they were able defeat the mighty magic of the lich (KoD 308-311). Ejrik Spellbender, in seeking to cheat death through soul transference, was no more successful. Perhaps Hazlik will succeed where others have failed.

The psionic approach to the problem lies in the fact that the one being with both strength and the desire to manage it has been cursed by the Dark Powers to fail in any such endeavour. The God-Brain would walk again, feel the warm breeze upon its face, and never will the Dark Powers allow that.

The alchemical approach has, after a fashion, proved more successful. Or at very least it gave birth to the Apparatus. This artifact can indeed exchange the souls of unwilling participants as well as split the soul in two. But its use has never ended happily. Is not the thing cursed?

Slightly less ambitious, but far less disastrous, have been brain transplantations, performed both by Dr. Victor Mordenheim and the fleshcrafting illithid of Bluetspur. Although this has still not enabled Mordenheim to restore his wife to consciousness and indeed he deigned to summon to his side a pair of necromancers specialising in . . . soul transference.

Perhaps the greatest irony is that Guiseppe, a simple if gifted puppetmaker, has crafted a creature of wood that excells at soul transferrence: the carrionette.


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.