South Dnar River

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The Sydligdnar ("South Dnar River") is the widest and deepest river in Nova Vaasa. Its tributaries are the Dnar River and the Trished River both from the Mountains of Misery of Darkon, the Vaughn Dnar River from Lake Kronov in Tepest, and the Borchava River and the Little Borchava River both from the nothingness of the Shadow Rift, which is to say that they have their phantom headwaters in the vanished land of Markovia. The Vaughn Dnar River is joined by the Trished River just east of Liara and bends to the southeast. The Borchava River is joined by the Little Borchava River well south of Liara and bends to the northeast. The Vaughn Dnar River is joined by the Borchava River halfway between Liara and Kantora and continues east by southeast, passing just north of Kantora, and merges there with the Dnar River, becoming at that point the Sydligdnar. The Sydligdnar drains into the Nocturnal Sea just north of Egertus beside the port of Guldstrand Beach via the Katsmund Canyon. The East Timori Road follows the course of the river from Kantora to Egertus on its south side. The Sydligdnar and the Dnar are the southern and western limit respectively of the Ehrendton.

The Sydligdnar is navigable, although with difficulty in both directions owing to its current, by small ships between the docks at Kantora and the sea, with cargos being transferred to and from larger vessels at the docks of Guldstrand Beach. With the right winds, the river can be sailed. Otherwise it must be rowed. The Sydligdnar, over its entire length, is too deep to be forded. And both the Vaughn Dnar and the Dnar are too deep to be forded as they merge to form the Sydligdnar. Bridges consistent with small ships pose a manifest engineering problem, but none are mentioned, so ferry service for crossing at its mouth and at Kantora would make sense. A ferry service is known to exist between Kantora and Guldstrand Beach. On the opposite side of the river mouth lies Skibbygger Beach. The flourishing Vaasi shipbuilding industry is centred there, presumably supplied with timber from the forests of Tepest.

The Sydligdnar ("South Dnar River") is a critical source of water for crops, humans, and domestic animals. But what starts outside of Kantora as a solid band of farmland stretching back from the banks of the river, becomes a broken band, and finally almost no band at all before reaching Egertus. For as the Sydligdnar sinks down into the Katsmund Canyon, access to its water in quantities sufficient to be useful becomes ever more difficult. The farms along the south shore of the Sydligdnar are heavily taxed by the Bolshniks. Along the north shore of the river the Count of Ehrendton, vassal to the Bolshnik family, does the collecting for them. The Sydligdnar belongs to the Heartland Duchy of the Bolshnik family.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Servants of Darkness
Ravenloft Third Edition
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V

Servants of Darkness - p17
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p13

Servants of Darkness - poster map
Ravenloft Third Edition - inside back cover
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume V - p12

The Sydligdnar
South Dnar River
The South Dnar River