Category:Rod of Rastinon

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The Rod of Rastinon activates the function of the the Apparatus that allows the separation of a single soul into two parts, so far only resulting in a good and evil split. It is also necessary for reuniting a fragmented psyche. There are several kinds. [1]


  1. Realm of Terror (Black Boxed Set) p. 56-57

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Realm of Terror

Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Realm of Terror - p125,127
Realm of Terror - pp56-57

Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Realm of Terror - p125,127
Realm of Terror - pp56-57

Rod of Rastinon, The Rod of Rastinon

Pages in category "Rod of Rastinon"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.