Category:The Wild Hunt

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On the Prime Material Plane, The Wild Hunt manifests in Celtic lands to engage in the hunt of evil. Led by the Master of the Wild Hunt, both those of Good alignment and druids are called to join the Pack of the Wild Hunt in rooting out and slaughtering evil. Such compulsion tends to undermine the higher faculties of thinking, making the enthralled to fight in a primal rather than a rational manner[1]

The Ravenloft manifestation of the Wild Hunt is a creation of the Mists. It does not discriminate between Good targets that resist its compulsions or Evil targets, though it never hunts animals or Neutral creatures.[1]

The Wild Hunt are frequently called upon by the Rowan Faction led by Shelaugh. Unfortunately, none of them know the warped nature of Ravenloft's Wild Hunt.[1]

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume 1 turned the Wild Hunt into a Dread Possibility.[2]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Castles Forlorn
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I

Castles Forlorn: The Weeping Lands - p48

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p79

Castles Forlorn: The Weeping Lands - pp49-50
Castles Forlorn: Melancholy Meetings - p15
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume I - p79

Wild Hunt, The Wild Hunt


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