Barovia - Maps

by Gomez

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This map of Barovia is based on the maps in Domains of Dread and Realm of Terror.
You can add your comments on this map below.

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the maps :, CC2-map archive (94 Kb)

Barovia map


Campaign settings :

Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread
Accessories :
Forbidden Lore, Van Richten's Guide to the Created, Children of the Night:Vampires
Adventures :
Ravenloft I6 (original adventure), House of Strahd (adventure)
Novels :
Vampire of the Mists, Knight of the Black Rose, I Strahd, I Strahd:The War against Azalin, King of the Dead, Tales of Ravenloft: Caretaker, Lord of the Necropolis
Websites :
The Lonesome Road : the Player's Guide to Barovia

Assumptions and Added Details

Barovia is pretty much Ravenloft's Transylvania. The language, Balok, seems to be a slavic type of language.
The terrain is mountainous and forested, winters are cold. A beautiful but hostile domain.
Most of the map presented here is 'canon'. That is to say I didn't actually make up much. I found a place for the villages Berez, Cuzau and Hoessla (all mentioned in the I, Strahd novels), and I'm pretty sure they're on the right spot.
The only addition is Uselix, a village mentioned in CRG:The Created. The guide puts this village on the flank of a snow-covered mountain, and Mount Sawtooth seemed as good a choice as any.
All other places were taken form the original maps, and would be correct.

Detail Maps
Castle Ravenloft
Village of Barovia

Please note that, due to the amount of 'forest' in these maps, they are quite big, and take a while to load.


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