Lechberg, Borca - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Lechberg, Borca.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from sources elsewhere. For those of which a description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

I would be interested to know whether people consider these NPC lists useful or not. Suggestions of the format of these lists and what to include in them are welcome.

- Levkarest - Sturben - Ilvin - Vor Ziyden - Borca -

Vladimir Nobriskov
Werebat, Neutral Evil
Posing as a noble dandy, Vladimir preys on the young noble women of Borca.
Location: Lechberg, Borca
Source: CotN:Werebeasts pg. 36

Lady Monique
0-level human, ??
Young noble woman of Borca
Location: Lechberg, Borca
Source: CotN:Werebeasts pg. 36

Baron Amthor
0-level human, ??
A hot-headed noble with money problems.
Location: Lechberg, Borca
Source: CotN:Werebeasts pg. 36

Lady Gennifer
0-level human, ??
Younger sister of Lady Monique
Location: Lechberg, Borca
Source: CotN:Werebeasts pg. 36

Count Pretorius
0-level human, ??
Originally from Barovia, the count recently moved to Borca to act as guardian for his nieces, Ladies Monique & Gennifer.
Location: Lechberg, Borca
Source: CotN:Werebeasts pg. 37

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