
by Michele Harris

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Celestia is a rather tall woman, standing 5' 8." She is thin and people would guess her age at being between 16 and 20. She speaks with a thick garbled accent (her word blend is a mixture of mainly Barovian, Forgotten Realms Common and another language that is hard to identify, sometimes there are some Darkonese words thrown into the mix). She is polite but reserved. In crowds or around people that she doesn't really know, she seems a bit fidgety and nervous. She also carries a backpack. Cleverly blended with her clothes is a shadowy looking dagger in a sheath. The hilt of the dagger is wrapped in some kind of dark cloth to keep the dagger from easily being seen.

In Cities or around crowds, Celestia wears a dark, full length cloak, a dark overskirt and dark overblouse. Every once in a while when she moves you will catch a glimpse of a brightly colored skirt underneath her dark overskirt. She tends to keep the hood of her cloak up to hide her hawklike features and her face. A strand of black hair will sometimes make its way out of the confines of the hood. When the light catches that strand there is a purple hue to it. If someone manages to see beneath Celestia's hood they will see Black eyes with the same purple hue as her hair.

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