Child of Ember - Chapter 10

The Keep

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Previously: Enter the Clergy

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Until now Natacha has been engrossed in studying the priests taking care of the two bodies. As it seems that Dolph is about to leave for his keep she turns to him: "I shall follow with you to your keep. Until we know the full reason for these killings I fear that there might be danger for us all. And perhaps even more for you my lord since you knew the male victim however sleight. Perhaps the slayer has it against the nobility? Its a possibility..." She smiles: "Besides, I'd like very much to meet these guests of your's. Perhaps I can do something for them."


"They are rather unique individuals I must say. Some might call them monsters. But they are like family to me. One I rescued from her father," he says stepping out into the night and nearly spitting out the last word. "The other I rescued from an abusive husband. She has only recently returned, after spending some time traveling with a group of performers."
"But you shall meet them soon enough!" he says as the first rays of the dawning sun silouette a modest keep surrounded by a ancient crumbling wall topped with brightly gleaming shards of colored glass.
A gate of black iron stands ajar before you, leading to a stripe of cobbled stone set in a manicured lawn. The path leads up to a single drawbridge that spans a crescent shaped moat. Here and there in the water bits of spears break the surface and goldfish swim.
The keep itself is small, twin towers flanking a main hall long crumbled into irreperable decay, the once great stones of the floor broken by vines that climb pillars that once seperated the hall into other rooms.
Linking the towers with the overgrown hall are two open air walks that span the space above the moat. Behind the main hall is a two story structure with darkened windows.
Dolph has stopped and silently watches you as you take in the sights before you.

Map of Crumblestone Keep


Kat looks around, drinking in the ambience of the well cared for home of her saviour.
She looks at Dolph several times as he speaks of others he has rescued and wonders to herself if they were in dire straights such as she was. Which brings her back to the one question he had never answered. Why? Sighing softly, she brings her train of thought back to the present and returns her attention to her companions and their surroundings. "It's lovely my friend. I'm impressed" she says to Dolph and any other close enough to hear her soft words.


Dea looks about her at the ruined hall.
"You live here?" she asks. "You must be braver than I thought."


"Well it is a bit of a fixer upper, but it has a certain charm all its own..."


"...if you like rockfalls.", Dea mutters to herself. "Hmmm."


Natacha stops and takes in the scene. A bit hesitantly she turns to Dolph.
"Forgive me My lord as I do not want to offend you... but why is your keep in such bad shape? Are you not a man of wealth that you can afford to repair it? Moreover, as I have observed it is the same state everywhere. Half the city seems to be in the same sorry state of disrepair... How can this be?"


"Much of the city is abandoned. The condition and size of a house is a measure of a family's status. But to answer your question, there simply isn't enough people to fill the empty places, so they fall into disrepair. My keep has recently been cleared out of its... former inhabitants. So in truth I have only recently moved in. As for wealth, I have enough from my family, but I prefer to make my own money and not live off my family."


As the group proceeds, Dea steps closer to Kat.
"So... what's this with you and our local hero?", she asks in a voice soft enough that Dolph won't hear.
"Are you... lovers?"


Not looking the least bit embarrassed, Kat responds in a whisper. "No. I was having some.. um.. difficulty with a former employer who wanted more than I was prepared to give. Dolph rescued me." she says bluntly


"I see. How noble." Dea mutters.
"Pardon me for sounding cyncial, but I have not met many men that were so selfless or... trustworthy."
She is silent for a moment.
"So... he is free game then?"


He is my friend. That's all. If you are interested in him, go for it." Kat replies with a knowing smile.


"I don't think you really understood my question." Dea sais. "I have other... interests to busy me than mr Lithenstien.
But it is good to know that there are no bonds with this man. I would watch over your... friend... though.
I have not yet come to a conclusion whether he is safe from danger."


Dolph (who has been talking with Cornelia) looks back at the two of you. "Ladies, would you care to continue you conversation inside? It is rather chilly out here and I for one am anxious to get inside."
With that he opens the door to a well kept, two story affair. Warm air gushes out from within.


Dea flushes red, but it is hard to determine if it's from anger or something else.


Within is still dark, and only a handfull of low burning candles light the way as you step in. A dark figure sits in a chair, silently reguarding you all. Shadow seems to linger over her hiding her appearance.
"Home a little late aren't we Dolph? Faith had another nightmare, but she is okay." Her voice is soft and slightly husky and has a soft mordentish accent. "Hello Natacha, it has been a while."
Natacha recognizes her voice from your time with Carnival though she can't place it to a face.
"But perhaps you don't remember me. Dolph? Have you warned them?"
Dolph gives a soft nod but there is tension in his face. It is obvious that he is worried about your reaction.
"Ladies, may I introduce Eve Francis."
Eve stands and steps into the light. Eve is a woman of patchwork parts, each part perfect, the whole oddly discordant. There is a beauty to her that is disturbing, yet you cannot help but stare. Thick black thread holds these parts together leaving a network of scars along her features. Her eyes are a startling shade of bright green, her hair a long swirl of cinnamon and coffe brown.
She simply stands and waits for your reactions.

Eve's image Natacha recognizes her. The two of them worked together in Carnival. Her name is Dawn Evelyne Francis. Billed as Adam's bride...
To Dea, she doesn't seem all that strange.
Celestia takes an involuntary step back.
Cornelia looks between her and Dolph, her eyes filled with uncertainty.


Suddenly, there is panting from behind you as someone stops from a seemingly long run. As you turn, you notice it's the pyromage Lit doubled over completely out of breath.
He stops again, waiting until his breathing returns to normal.
Lit was quietly following the group until something startled him in the woods.
He still hasn't looked up and seen Eve, he's waiting to catch his breath.
Gasping he gathers his breath, Wondering at the sudden silence he raises his head and sees Eve. He finds her beautiful, in a disturbing way...


Dea bows her head in greeting.
"Greetings, King's Child.
May the path of reason be visible on your way to enlightenment. I am Quarta Deos Vanita, Maiden of Vesanis."


Eve looks a bit confused but says nothing.


Natacha gives a crooked smile: "Halloo Eve. How are you holding yourself together these days?" She strides forward to offer Dawn her hand.


"With Sutures and stitches," she answers with a smile. She takes your hand then quickly pulls you into a hug. "It has been a long time my friend, after your rest we must catch up!"


Celestia had remained quiet as the others made their observations about Lord Dolph's Keep. When he introduced Eve, Celestia stepped back in surprise. She had heard of people getting wounded and being stitched back together, but not to the extent that Eve was. Trying to hide her surprise, Celestia quickly stepped behind Dea and regained her composure.
"I am Celestia. It is nice to meet you." she said to Eve.
Celestia waited for reactions from the others.


"Flames of the Northern Border..." he suddenly stands straight up, somewhat embarrassed by his position of weakness, staring straight at Eve.
"Greeting, madam, my name is Lit. I am a traveler and practitioner of the magical arts..."


Eve smiles and reaches out her hand. "My name is Evelyne Francis. Welcome to the keep."


"Thank you, Evelyne," he says as he takes her hand and kisses it.


At that a soft smile tugs at the corner of her lips, "Dolph, you could take lessons," she says in a teasing voice.


He takes a quick glance up at the Keep itself, then looks back. "Lord Lithstein, might I request to stay the night at your keep? My invitation was suddenly...ah...canceled."


Dolph smiles and nods, "You are welcome to my hospitality," he looks at the others, "as are you all."


"Many thanks, gracious lord."


Dea waits til Lit is down glowering over Eve (huh. Men.) before she speaks again.
"You seem to be in a position of authority, lady Francis.
A rare occurence among those who are touched. You must have a very strong personality. I would be delighted to learn from you. So... are you and mr. Lithenstien related?"


"No, He rescued me from the hands of a mad man. Gave me a place to turn to. he is one of the few I have met in the world that doesn't seem to judge by appearances. Most of those here in the keep have a simular story. He gives us homes and a place to stay with out any persecution."
She looks at Dolph, "Isn't he cute when he blushes?"
"Eve watches over Faith," Dolph clarifies.
"Faith is a percocious little lady who Dolph rescued from an abusive father. He has taken her as his ward. She is a bit selfconscious. Her father was a viscious mage that often experimented on her. Dolph has been seeking ways to undo what has been done, but..."
"...But I am still trying." Dolph finishes.


"You should not strike down Chaos with Chaos. All it does is cause more suffering." Dea berates.
"It is vital to accept what you are, not muse on what you can be. Hard, maybe, but where I come from it is the only way to survive. We, as maidens, never try to undo what has been done. That is futile. What we can do is help find the path that will lead to a life worth living, even if this means that you will ever be different.
I have been touched by chaos, in my own time, though it is not visible on my face as it is with you.
I have accept my fate and taken the place created fo me, and so should the girl Faith. Otherwise all she will do is die. Every day again."


Speaking up after her long silence spent calmly observing the room and it's occupants, Katherynne finally speaks "I would be interested in meeting this child" she says all but ignoring the foresight of Dea in her mission to aid less fortunates. "Mayhaps I can aid her somehow. I think her childhood sounds quite similiar to mine own, and if naught else comes of it, she can see it is possible to not only go on, but to flourish"


"You are welcome, but take care she is easily frightened on mystic arts. But I am sure that Dolph would welcome the help. The way he pulls his hair out over this it is a wonder he isn't bald yet." She syas with a smile.


"There seem to be a lot of souls here who seem in need of aide." Dea agrees.
Her hand reaches out behind her, holding Celestia's hand for a brief moment.
"However, these will be here in the morning, too. Even Ember's child will not strike untill tomorrow, or at least that is what I expect.
Right now, I would like some rest. One can not guide without sleep."


"Aide? Nay. Only understanding, acceptance, and a space to make our own so we can tend wounds that go deep to our souls. Dolph has given that to us. And extended the best healing we can recieve, his friendship and trust."
She glances over to Dolph who is feeding a large grey squirle. "Just don't tell him that, it might go to his head," she wispers conspiritorally.


"Eve, would you show them to their rooms? I want to check on Eve before I retire."


Dea smiles softly. "I am not talking about you or the girl Faith."
She grabs her satchel, following Eve. Casting a glance back at Dolph, she explains.
"He seems too busy. Too intend on righting wrongs with his magic. I saw how he acted at the fire. Too much with his mind on the arcane flow. It causes him more harm, yet still he perseveres.
If magic is what caused your scars and that of others, I worry on how he will seek to undo that.
Magic is not a solution. But that is what he refuses to understand."


"His heart is in the right place, It is all he knows how to do." she says as she leads you up a flight of stairs.


Celestia follows Eve for a bit and then stops. "Eve do you have a barn? Or maybe a room that has an open roof to the sky? I have never been comfortable sleeping in a building that is cut off from nature. The truth of the matter is that I have never been able to sleep when cut off from nature." Celestia manages a half-smile. Her eyes drift to the nearest window with a deep sense of longing.
Turning to Dea, "How long should we sleep? I usually get 6 to 8 hours."


"I have exhausted myself pretty much with the calling. We have been trained for this, but I will still need some time to meditate after I sleep.
We need be prepared tomorrow. I expect to be ready around noon."
Dea casts a look outside.
Maybe you can sleep in a shuttered area in the hall, if you feel drawn to it. I myself prefer a bed though."


Eve pauses thinking. "There are the chapel ruins, they are pretty overgrown. And the courtyard. I don't think that it will rain, so if you want to sleep under open sky, that is your perogative."


Celestia looks thoughtful for a bit. "The courtyard sounds like it would work. Does it get very much traffic from the residents of the Keep or is it pretty quiet?"
Celestia waits for a reply and follows Eve as she take Dea and the others to their rooms.


"Not unless Dolph plans on getting the crap beaten out of him this morning." Eve answers cryptically.

Eve's Invitation

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