Child of Ember - Chapter 15


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Previously: A little Faith

Previously: Dreams

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Meanwhile, in the library...

The book seems to be a journal of Dolph's trip to the land of Keening, in search of the history of the ruined city that sits at the base of mount lament.
The book itself is the second in a series, the others yet to be penned. The title is Lost History of the Heartlands: Volume II, Theka.
The book details the history of the city he found there and chronicles the dangers he faced, and tells of wonders long forgotten.
"The city of Theka fell to a mysterious plague ages ago, now it is only populated with the walking dead. Was there some catastrophe like that which occured in Ill Aluk? We may never know. It seems fortunate that the disaster was swift, and limited to the lands borders. Who knows what might have occured had the disaster spread? "


Yawning hugely, unable to keep her eyes open any longer, Kat searches out a bath and cleans herself up, before finding a nice corner to curl up in and catch some sleep.


Although sure that somewhere here are the answers she is looking for, Kat decides that you would function much better with a rested mind. Besides, Natacha seems to have things under control. She doubts that she will even notice that Kat has left.
Remembering the directions to the Mineral bath, she find herself heading that way.


Not the least bit ashamed, Kat approaches the mineral bath and disrobes down to a sheer chemise and undergarments that cover the essentials and naught else. Carefully placing her rune carved staff, and snake dagger atop her neatly folded clothing within easy reach, she steps into the bath quietly and submerges herself in the relaxing waters.


Celestia looks up as Kat enters. "Hi...Kat was it. I don't know how well our introductions went in the past. I am Celestia."
Turning to Eve and Lit, " What would information would you be interested in? Just as away and I will provide what information I know."


"Katherynne. But yes, you may call me Kat. Many people find my name difficult to pronounce" the pointed eared woman says with a smile. Sighing with pleasure, she sinks down into the water up to her neck, leaving her head visable, and naught else.


The slender human climbs out of the water and goes behind a screen to dry and replace his clothes. He silently grabs up his gear and takes it to a nearby seat. He takes a seat and looks to the others, "So who is this person and what do we know about her/him?"


Celestia looks at the group in the bath. "From what I have witnessed, there is a creature or spirit that can inhabit bodies. She/it is seeking some kind of revenge for something done when she/it was alive. Last night, Dea and myself encountered an old woman talking about a 'Child of Ember' then there was some kind of a noise and a fire broke out upstairs in an Inn. When we got there, there was the burnt up body of a man and a woman's body next to him. We met Lord Dolph and some others there and then came back here."
Celestia stiffles a yawn and waits for a response from the others in the bath.


Katherynne sits quietly, relishing the feel of the hot water easing the ache from her muscles. She shows little interest in the conversation around her, unless directly addressed, but instead just soaks up the warmth of the bath. After about an hour (assuming no one speaks to her, or situations dont change) she will exit, smiling at her companions, and find somewhere to sleep after drying off and changing to dry clothing.


After sitting in the bath for quite a while, seemingly out of sorts, Lit suddenly gets up and just leaves, not saying anything to anyone, nor even stealing a glance back at Eve. He picks up the belongings he set down and then walks outside, into the overgrown gardens.
Once outside, he simply stares at the sky for a while...


The vine gardens, once the great hall of the keep, now consist of crumbled archways that are overgrown with vine plants. The roof itself is open to the sky, with only the ceiling vaults remaining.
The air is fragrant and is scented with the aromas of a dozen or more flowering plants. Ivy and climbing roses seem to squeeze everything else out as the climb higher and higher up the ancient vaults of the ceiling.
There is a large variety of flowers here, Most dominant are the climbing roses and honeysuckle. The air is sweet and rich. In the distance you see a large squirl run across the ceiling vault. It stops, stares down at you then continues on.


Lit simply stares out into the sky for a while until the squirrel catches his eye. He watches it run off, then turns his attention to the many flowers, until he finds a long-stemmed rose. He walks over to it, and sniffs at it...and for a moment all seems well.
Then he looks around again, and thinks of something long gone. The ashes of civilization. The fires that consumed. The plants and ivy that thrived in the aftermath...
Every muscle in his body tenses...he breaks a cold sweat...and then as quickly as the memory came it is over. He looks back at the sky, stone-cold shock etched in his face.

"Fire, fire, burning bright,
Not confined by day or night,
What 'spired hand or word of mouth
Could frame thy horror, frame thy fright?"

"A priestess, a wizard, a nobleman, a stranger, a patchwork lady of infinite beauty...the others...what does it all mean?"
He suddenly looks at his hand, and sees that he has been gripping the rose's stem far too hard, and blood is now flowing freely. He takes a small cloth form his pocket and places it on his hand, but then rethinks. Just as it begins to soak up his blood, he takes it off and instead plucks several roses, varying shades of pink and red, along with one white for the center. He wraps the handkerchief around their stems, and walks back toward the baths, making sure to leave his wounded hand hidden, he also readjusts the scarf around his neck before her returns.


"Eve?" calls a young feminine voice. "Eve, Dolph said..." She pauses as she sees you. Standing in the archway is a pretty young girl. Long black hair is piled high atop her head like a ebony turban. Silver pins hold it in place and a small silver tiara rests on her forehead.
She is prettily dressed in a mauve gown and corsette that seems to enhance her womanly developement. Her skin holds just the hint of blush, and her inquisitive eyes take in the scene before her.
Eve clears her throat, "This is the young mistress, Faith Marlowe. Faith, These are Dolph's guests. They will be staying here for a while."
"Dolph sent me to find you," Faith continues.
"Did he now? I suppose we had best continue your studies, hmmm?" She says as she rises from the water. "You must excuse me, I need to go. But perhaps we can continue this conversation another time? Perhaps after dinner?"


The ranger stands and bows to the young Faith and looks to the others, "When you are ready to leave and seek out the charge you may find me in the study? library? foyer? Hmm I don't know but I think im just gonna go read for a while so be well all." At that he steps out and looks left and right, "M'lady Eve if ya could help me out here," he smiles totally lost to his location.


She gives him a hand up.


On the way to the library Griffen smiles slightly and turns heading for the doors of the keep. The ranger slips gear over his shoulder slips out the door and moves to his horse untethering it and walking out to the road.


Kat is tired and will sleep in the first space she happens across that looks comfortable, be it bed, sofa, chair, or floor. While bathing, Kat dozes off several times, the events of the past several days, especially her recent flight has really taken it's toll, and she is exhausted. She vaguely hears the others discussing things, but pretty much ignores it all as she soaks and rests. Thoughts go through her mind, incomplete thoughts, but thoughts nonetheless of recent days (based on her recent background Michael) threaten to overwhelm her so she forces herself into a meditative state where she focuses solely on the warmth of the water and relaxing each muscle one by one. When she is relaxed, she exits the bath and finds a place to sleep.


Dolph has set up a room for her in one of the towers. The others have a room in the main body of the keep, with the exception of Celestia, who is going to sleep in the vine garden.


Celestia watches as Eve and Faith leave the bath. Standing up, she says "I think it is time that I take nap. I have been up way too long and wish to be able to think straight when we go looking for the Child of Ember. I will talk to you all later."
Celestia goes behind a pillar and quickly changes out of her wet underwear and puts on her clothes. She takes up her pack and heads out for the Garden/Vine area.
Once arriving their, Celestia surveys the area and chooses the spot that she is going to sleep. It is a shaded spot right now, but the afternnon sun will wake her up. She hangs out her wet clothes on some vines near by and eats some of her rations. After a big yawn and a stretch, Celestia lays down on half her blanket and pulls the other half over her body. She drifts off to sleep with the sounds of the garden lulling into a peaceful state.


Lit walks back to the bath, just in time to see Eve leave with a little girl that he does not know. Cursing under his breath, he walks back out into the garden, again adjusting the scarlet scarf he wears. Then, out of the corner of hsi eye, he sees Celestia walk out and lie down. Being completely quiet and motionless, he wait and watches her as she drifts off to sleep...
Once she is completly out, Lit leaves the bouquet of flowers he picked next to her on her blanket.
Then he walks back inside the castle, trying to find somewhere he can rest and change for the next day.


Remembering that Dolph had said something about rooms in the main castle, Lit starts out towards there, but gets sidetracked to the library. He walks in, and is immediately entranced by the number of volumes.


He sees Natacha lying face down in a book while sitting at a table. She is snoring gently. He sees the Librarian, but she is all but oblivious to him.


Lit asks about books on fire, flame, and all things burning. As a sidenote, he asks about books on hell as well.


Without looking at you the librarian responds, "Sir, we have books on everything here..."


Not wishing to wake the dreaming "reader," Lit begins to peruse the books for anything on fires and flame.
If he finds something, he's going to leaf through it a bit and see if there's anything interesting. If there is, he'll go and sit to read it, if not, he'll just put it back.


He finds a book called: Ledgends of the Burning Land, Stories from hell. Appearently it is a book of stories.


Making sure that the "Legends of the Burning Land" book is all that he can find on the subject, he sits down and begins to read the book.


It is just a book of stories and myths about the lower planes. A few of the creatures in it remind him of the creature that scarred him.


After poring through the book for about an hour, Lit falls into a deep sleep. He has nightmares about the creatures that remind him of his foe, and especially of the dark being that tortured him. When he awakens in a cold sweat(about 8 hours later), he tries to shake off the experience, but he can't fully. He places the book back where he found it, and then wanders off into the kitchen.


Kat finishes drying off, and with a slight smile of acknowledgment, she heads for the rooms that have been set aside for them. Claiming the closest one, she tumbles into it, caring little for propriety. Her hair falls loosely about her, framing her pretty face and petite, scarcely clad body. Still warm from the bath, she snuggles with the blanket, but doesnt cover up with it, trustingly leaving herself exposed to the night air. Exhausted, she drifts into a sleep filled with dreams of the night's events.


As the sun slowly creeps across the sky, a faint sound can be heard in the garden. If someone were to check, they would see Celestia sleeping peacefully. She is almost covered by some of the nearby vegetation and looks to be at home in the natural setting of the garden. Near her head is a bouquet of flowers that have been freshly picked.


Dea is still in the kitchen.
If anyone cares to check some time later, they find her in a chair, fast asleep with her head resting on the kitchen table, her hand holding a spoon. Next to her is a bowl with apples cut in tiny cubes, mixed with currants and herbs. On the stove is a pan with milk, but the fire is off.
Her eyes are a bit red, as if she has cried.

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