Child of Ember - Chapter 25

Closing the Night

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Previously: The Manor

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Dea puts the ledger on top of the safe.
"Rocks and paper" she mutters "Not much that can help us..."
She rises and studies the outline of the house, trying to find the stairs so she can deduce where the cellar may be.


"How about we try the kitchen. Usually the cellar is used for kitchen supplies, food, and things. That seems like the logical place to find it. We can keep all the stuff we find together, and split it up later."


"You are the expert. We don't have any cellars in Abdok."
Dea wanders around, turning over debris in search for an indication of a cellar.


Alex begins to move back from the main entryway, searching for the kitchen, hoping to find some way into the cellar. Unless there were obvious windows that could be seen from the outside of the house. It might be easier to break one and find a way back upstairs.


Most of the house is in wreck and ruins, what the fire did not completely consume was damaged when the roof collapsed (all that is left of the roof is tha main beam however).
Dea has found a door with a pull ring beneath a toppled shelf in what she assumes is the pantry.


Dea waves to Alex.
"I think I found something."
She climbs a bit nearer, and starts to pull at the shelf to move it out of the way.


"Great." Alex walked over and helped Dea move the shelf that was blocking the doorway. "Wonder what's down there?"


The door comes open easily revealing a wine cellar. It has some great vintages, and a few scared rats, but nothing of interest


Alex sighed, dusting the cobwebs off of herself as she came out of the cellar. "Nice wine."
She looked at Dea, "I can't think of anywhere else to look around here. Did you ever manage to get any leads on that old woman, the grandmother?"


"Not yet.", Dea muttered, climbing down the stairs. "She may be a relative. But ... well... she may also be related to the Ronges. At the very least I am sure they protect her.
But we don't know until we find her. It is already dark though.
And we should not forget that this fire was not lit by Louisa. If she still thirsts for revenge, there may still fall a victim tonight. But since we do not know where she will strike..."
She looked around, frowning. "Where do these rats come from?"


The rats, ever present in this land scurry into the shadows as you approach the wall across from the stairs. The scent of smoke, wood ash, and charred flesh, gives way to another scent. The air holds a damp smell, the scent of mold and mildew mingled with river mud. The sound of running water is suddenly interupter be a loud squeek and a meaty crunching sound...


Alex immediately drew her rapiers and readied for whatever was behind the wall.


Dea approaches the wall, looking for a latch or a way in which you could slide it. She seems a bit anxious at the sound.
"It's probably just a big rat...", she mutters, not very much convinced.


As Dea searched for a sliding panel, Alex checked for some type of a swivel mechanism that would allow the wall to turn


Alex carefully pushes on the loose brick and mortar. She wants to see if the wall moves, but is trying to be careful so she doesn't bring the whole wall or part of the ceiling down.


It appears as though someone tried to wall up access to the river, but did a poor job.


"Odd." Dea mutters. "Why would anyone ever want to have a door here?"


Alex shrugged, "Maybe there's a dock or something down there. You can kind of hear the river on the other side. The mortar's loose and uneven, it should break fairly easily. Would you like me to see if I can get through?"


"No, the boy didn't hide here. He may have escaped the fire in another way. You're free to break it open, but I think we better head back. Louisa may have extracted her vengeance on someone else, already. There seems to be a lot more going on, though."
She climbs up out of the cellar, and looks around her, inspecting the environments of the house.


Alex nodded to Dea. "As you wish." She check the rest of the walls and floor quickly for any other secret passages or escape routes.
Finding nothing, Alex sighed. "Perhaps we should leave. Any ideas on where we should try next?" The young woman looked at Dea, "Is it possible this girl - the fire starter - goes home when she'd not starting fires?"


"That is possible. I would like to visit the Ronges family later on, but it certainly can't hurt to visit the Millers first. They live on the other side of the river." Dea turns and starts to walk back.
As soon as she spots someone else at the street, she approaces them to inform them that three bodies were discovered in the mansion's ruins, and asks them to inform the guards.


It is a long walk to the mill, a large building that seems to slouch into the river, where rests a single large wheel turning languidly in the slow moving current. Next to the mill is a small house of recent build and sturdy brick with wooden shingles. At two stories, it is less than half the size of the mill. In one window in the upper story in the right hand corner the light of a candle flickers in the wind of an open shutter...


Dea approaches the house and knocks on the door (or rings the bell). She adjusts her dress as she waiths for someone to answer her call.


There is a sound of motion inside, and a woman with greying hair pulled into a tight bun opens thae door. "Vat you vant? Everyone is asleep," she says with a yawn. The light of the candle in her hand reveals her night clothes, and a plump body beneath it. The caloused hands that hold the candle speak of manual labor, as does the bits of dirt beneath her fingernails.
"You come back in zhe morning when zhe sun iz up," she says as she goes to close the door.


"I know it is late and I do apologize. But this is important. I need to talk to you about Lousia."


"Zhe lady Louisa iz not here anymore. Ve do not talk about it much. It upzets zhe lady of zhe house." She says reluctantly.


"Sorrow alienates if it cannot express itself", Dea says soothingly. "More reason to talk to her, then, though I can see you are tired. Please inform your lady tomorrow morning I have a dire need to talk to her, and I will return here before noon."
She smiles.
"And I sense you have an urge to speak, too, though it troubles you to admit it. Do not hesitate to call on me any time you like. I will be staying in the Three Rats Inn, should you have need for me."


"I vill tell her, vuht do not expect her to greet you warmly. Zhe death of her youngest daughter nearly killed her. It is not a sorrow she likes to revisit."


Dea nods the woman a good night, the turns to the others.
"It is late and I am quite tired. It might be best if we retire for the night, as no-one will answer our questions now.
I will sleep at the Three Rats Inn. Let's meet over there at ten this morning. That will give us only a few hours sleep, but we have a lot to do."


Alex heads back to the keep. Since Dolph offered her a place to sleep, it seemed foolish to waste her hard earned money on a flea- ridden bed not fit for the rats the local inn was named after.
Assuming she has enough time before the pre-dawn, she heads out into the surrounding area to find something to eat before returning to the keep and the privacy of her room.


Suddenly feeling very much alone, Celestia decides to head back to Dolph's Castle to get a snack and some rest.


Lit's going to head back to the manor for the evening.


As Celestia and Lit enter the castle the sun has just begun to rise, and the air is filled with the scent of rain and wet turf. The still wet roses glisten in the morning sun like a cache of gems.
From the Kitchen comes the sweet smell of fresh baked bread and frying bacon. As you enter you see Faith (whose black hair is tied up to conceal her horns) sitting on the kitched counter contentedly swinging her legs as she chews on a tough looking but sweet smelling twisted pastry. The morning light gives a healthy glow to her skin. She is alone in the Kitchen.
"Dolph and Eve went out for some eggs," she says as greeting. "He said for you to make yourselves comfortable." She says as she takes a bite of her bread. With her hand she gestures to a small basket of simular pasteries...
To Lit, the sound of the Bacon is slightly unnearving. It reminds him of some of the horrible things his foe did, it is the sound of hot iron on flesh.


Celestia takes one of the offered pasteries. "Thanks, Is there any fresh fruit?"
Turning to Lit, "So how long do you think we should rest before looking for the others?"


The little imp smiles and gestures to a bowl of fruit sitting on the counter. In it are grapes of all varieties, as well as cherries and pears.


Dea stood at the window of her room, looking out over the city.
She had not slept much, but at least enough to regain the strength needed to hunt again... though she was wondering how long it would take before they would become the hunted, instead.
She sighed. She had looked through the scriptuires of Ahglia Hahn, an reread the legend on the Lady in Pain, but none had contained what she needed. She would have to rely on others for a solution.
She left her room and walked to the remains of the burned room, standing a few moments in contemplation.
Then she walked downstairs for breakfast.


The entire room is abuzz, the festive attitude from the day past is subdued. A few people cast suspicious glances back at your arrival, but most pay no attention.
Whispered voices fill the air as you walk toward an empty table (?) most of them revolve around the recent events, others around rumors that Falkovnia is planning another attack. Some people are trting to connect the two, saying that the fires are part of a plot by the enemy to weaken the leadership of the land.
As you sit down an old crone wanders your way. Dressed as she is, there is no doubt in your mind thatthis scowling woman is the morning waitress.
She looks down at you, "What may I get you?" She asks in a rough gravely voice.


"Some bread and eggs would be nice.", Dea says, smiling friendly at the sour face.
She casts a look around, then says "The old lady and her grandson, that were staying here, have they left?"


"They have not returned. I will have your order ready in a bit."


It was only minutes before Dea was about to give up when Dolph stumbles in. He is wearing the same clothes as he wore the other day, and the lines below his eyes speak of a restless night without sleep.
There was a weariness about him, as though he carried a great weight chained to his soul. He sits down at the table where Dea sits, and lets out a sigh.
"Sorry I am so late, I had some... matters that needed my attention." "So where is the rest?" He asks tiredly.


"I guess they are delayed. No doubt Faith is keeping them busy. She is a sweet girl."
She looks at Dolph.
"You look after her very well. But she needs a mother's hand. Maybe this sounds very personal, but have you ever been... in love?"


"Once," he says very quietly. "It is said that the only love worth having is the love that hurts the most when it is gone," He suddenly looks tired, almost as though the last few hours have aged him ten years.
"As for Faith, I am merely her guardian. I love her like a daughter, And I will hate to see her go..." he says trailing off sadly.
Suddenly he straightens up. "Time is our enemy, we must be going, the others will just have to catch up to us!"
He stands up, and smiles down at Dea. "Shall we go?"


Dea nods, then rises.
"I do not know whether the others have informed you. We discovered the Child of Ember's name. It is Louisa Miller, who was... murdered last year.
We also investigated the second fire. We suspect someone set it on purpose. Someone ELSE.
The burned down building was the Svenson mansion. Do you know who they were? Related to the Ronges perhaps?"


The Discussion seems to shake off the distracted air that seems to linger around Dolph.
Dolph shakes his head, "I have never heard of them, though they sound like they might have immigrated from Lamordia. Any Idea who might have started the fire?"


"You know the Ronges, right?" Dea scrutinized Dolph as she said it. "Did you know they were involved? Did you visit them?"


He nods, looking somewhat perplexed. "The Ronges are a family of prominant halflings, perhaps one of the most influential families in all of Richmulot. Mostly they keep to themselves. My family has done bussiness with them on occasion, though our interests rarely coincide. The trade mainly in stones and jewels, while my family trades in weapons and steel."
"How exactly are they involved?"


"Halflings? Ah... Hobniz. Interesting. I thought you people distrusted them.
Well, as a noble you may be known with the tale of Lucian Ronges. He courted a lady of the name of Louisa Miller, during the last Masque. She was given something of value, and I believe that this - or maybe her courtship with the hobniz - made her fall victim to evil. She was murdered in a most brutal fashion. I believe one of the man who assaulted her was Caine Dumonjiette.
Lucian, consumed with either guilt or grief, hanged himself sometime later. I do not know how this related to the Svensons. But it seems someone is targeting the nobility of Mortigny, as more deaths have occurred.
You should know this, Dolph. You cannot possibly believe the Renier woman really wanted you to solve the death of a prostitute?"
She does not wait for him to answer her question.
"But we may have a witness. The Svenson's son seemed to have escaped the fire. If he fled, he may be in hiding, maybe in the ruins.
I would like to talk to the Millers and the Ronges first, but I think we might have to search the ruins for the boy - or the old woman I met in the Inn - if he doesn't turn up on his own.
This is what we discovered. What did you find?"


"Lucian was involved in this? That explaines a great many things." Dolph said. "Lucian was an anomoly, as are many of the Ronges family. More so him because the circumstances of his birth."
"It all comes down to breeding," Dolph continued. "Many of the halflings of the Ronges family have a taste for women taller than they are, and quite a number have human blood in their veins. Except Lucian. Lucian was to all appearances full human, though short. Only those who know of his relations to the Ronges family could tell his blood wasnt pure."
"Perhaps someone who knew his heritage objected to a romance between them?"
"As for the Svensons, I will ask around. Perhaps there is a connection to them two of which I was unaware."


"Well, we may as well pay a visit to the Ronges now."


He nods, "We may as well."


Celestia has finished breakfast, and has begun her trip to meet the others after discovering that she is a little late.


Dea took her purse and walked outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the others.
Celestia at this point caught up.
"You led the way then, Dolph, as I presume know where they live."


Celestia followed Dea and Dolph. She was some what confused by the turn of events. She understood the revenge motive, but now it seems like it was more than that. Maybe talking to the halflings would shed some more light on it. If she was still confused, when there was some time she would have to talk to Dolph and Dea and see if she could clear up the confusion.

Next: The Ronges

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