Red Winter in New York - Players

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Player characters presented in alfabetical order. Claudio Pozas is this game's DM.

Preston Brooks (???)
A dreamer, much like his friend Alexandra, but of times past. Pores over old books, learning about yesteryears, so he can best understand tomorrow.
Age: 32
Casting Call: Ralph Fiennes

Father Jefferson Davies (WanderingMonk)
Old friend of Allistair, this priest gives advice to young Alexandra. He ministers to the poor in Hoboken and visits shelters frequently.
Age: 46
Casting Call: Malcolm McDowell

Alexandra Johnson (Rina)
A poet and a dreamer. She studies dreams and memories to better help people. Her brother disdains this notion. Sometimes goes without sleep for days.
Age: 26
Casting Call: Winona Ryder

Allistair Johnson (Gomez)
A physician with a keen analytical mind, elder brother of Alexandra Johnson. He is constantly concerned by his younger sister.
Age: 44
Casting Call: Robert de Niro

Robert McClellan (ThomasOfBlackbury)
Used to be a homeless, now is under the service of Professor Brooks, thanks to the help of Father Davies.
Age: 28
Casting Call: Brad Johnson

José Luiz Reyes (Davon)
A Spanish immigrant, currently homeless, but looking for a job, with the help of Father Davies. Has come to know Robert quite well. Is also acquainted with that odd gal, Alexandra.
Age: 29
Casting Call: Sean Penn

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