Dementlieu - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Dementlieu.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from sources elsewhere. For those of which an description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

I would be interested to know wether people consider these NPC lists useful or not. Suggestions of the format of these lists and what to include in them are welcome.

- Port-a-Lucine - Chateaufaux -

Marcel Guignol
0-level human, Lawful Neutral
The lord-governor writes Dementlieu's laws and adjudicates important trials. Despite this show of apparent control, the true ruler is a man behind the throne, and Marcel is merely a puppet.
Location : Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
Source : Domains of Dread pg. 32; Realm of Terror pg. 68; Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains & Denizens pg. 14

Dominic d'Honaire
Darklord, 7th level Enchanter, Neutral Evil
Dominic heads the Advisory Counsel of lord-governor Guignol. He is the true man in power, though none realize this. Unfortunately, Dominic is not in a position to enjoy his power. True love and affection are denied him, as he is revulsive to any woman he approaches.
Location : Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
Source : Domains of Dread pg. 32; Realm of Terror pg. 68, 93; Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains & Denizens pg. 58

Helene DuSuis
0-level human, Neutral
A member of the Council of Advisors, Helene has the ear of both Dominic& the Brain, and is using both for her own ends.
Location : Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
Source : Book of Sorrows pg. 45

Jean-Pierre Mont-MichelTheroux
0-level human (Obedient), Lawful Good
A member of the Council of Advisors, Jean-Pierre is the government coordinator of art and the most respected art critic in Dementlieu.
Location : Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
Source : Book of Sorrows pg. 47

Josephine Chantreaux
2nd level human fighter (Obedient), Neutral Good
A member of the Council of Advisors, Josephine is in charge of the militia and diplomatic relations with other domains.
Location : Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
Source : Book of Sorrows pg. 48

Claude LaGrange
8th level human arcanist (Obedient), Lawful Neutral
A member of the Council of Advisors, Claude governs trade & commerce in Port-a-Lucine. Claude is also a high ranking member of La Societe de Legerdemain.
Location : Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
Source : Book of Sorrows pg. 49

Claude d'Honaire
0-level Human, ??
Dominic d'Honaire's father.
Location: Dementlieu
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 33; Realm of Terror pg. 93

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