Falkovnia- Maps

by Gomez

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Falkovnia is a domain mostly covered by forests, though the southern part gives way to large area's of wheat fields.
It has several fortified settlements, all connected by well maintained roads.
Falkovnia borders to the north to Lamordia and Darkon, to the south to Richemulot, to the west to Dementlieu, and to the east to the Shadow Rift.

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Available for download is the CC2 source of the map : Falkovnia.FCW, CC2-map (231 Kb)

Falkovnia map


Campaign settings :
Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread
Accessories :
Champions of the Mist, Van Richten's Guide to Fiends, Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead, Children of the Night:Created
Modules :
Death Ascendant, Death Unchained, Horror's Harvest (Dungeon #38)
Websites :
The Lonesome Road : the Player's Guide to Falkovnia

Assumptions and Added Details

Grashen falls is referenced in van Righten's Guide to Fiends. According to this book, the falls would be near Stangengrad.
Since all the rivers at Stangengrad had names already (Eel's Flow and Drochar are names originally associated with rivers which originated in G'henna), and the falls indicated another river (the Grashen), I added a river just south of the town.
I named the hamlet near the falls Grashental.

Delmunster is a small village, which appeared in Horror Harvest (Dungeon #38). This adventure also indicated the existence of a road between Aerie and Morfenzi

The fortress Rigriov holds a regiment of Drakov's falcons. It is not considered well to be 'promoted' to these holdings, as the regiment's soldiers are periodically send into the marsh to clean it out. Most who go in do not return.
Lake Rigor, while large,is very salty, presumable due to the proximity of the marshes, and hardly supports life. Though the water is stagnant, the lake does not freeze over in winter. In the summer, the water smells dreadful, and musketoes plague those who are settled here.

I named the lakes in this domain (note that the new maps do not show the three lakes north of Lekar. I am presuming that this was an error, not intentional, so they are shown on this map. The names I choose were : Lake Rigor, Lake Fest, lake Weinacht, Lake Dorst, and Lake Likho.


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