Invidia - Maps

by Gomez

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This map of Invidia is based on the maps in Domains of Dread, and The Evil Eye.
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Invidia map


Campaign settings :
Realm of Terror, Ravenloft Campaign Setting, Domains of Dread
Accessories :
Van Richten's Guide to Fiends
Adventures :
The Evil Eye
Novels :
Spectre of the Black Rose
Websites :
The Lonesome Road : the Player's Guide to Invidia

Assumptions and Added Details

This map is based on the map found on 'The Evil Eye'.

Not the best map to build on - the map scale is off, and the borders of the domain are all wrong (at least compared to Domains of Dread).

In short, I used the names and references in this module, and used the elevation lines from Realm of Terror to reposition villages and rechart rivers. The result, I think, is a good compromise. This domain is the most crowded as yet (with the possible exception of Kartakass).

'Invidia' is latin for 'Envy' (or so I've been told). I have assumed that the domain has a latin or possibly spanish-like tongue (the spanish word for envy is 'Envidia'). Since Invidian is decribed as a 'bastardized' version of Balok (akin to Roman), this seems about right.


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