Kartakass - NPC List

by Damien Bloch

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This section lists known NPC's of Kartakass.
Some of these are described on this site, others are taken from sources elsewhere. For those of which a description is known elsewhere on the net, a link is provided.

Harkon Lukas
Darklord, 7th level Wolfwere Bard, Neutral Evil
The most fameous bard in Kartakass, Lukas is flamboyant and prone to mood swings. He will oftem pose as Madam Lupapus, owner of the clock tower mill in Skald.
Date: Arrived in 610.
Location: Kartakass
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 64; Realm of Terror pg. 73, 101; Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains & Denizens pg. 70; Feast of Goblyns pg. 35

Akriel Lukas
3rd level Wolfwere Bard, Chaotic Evil
The daughter of Harkon Lucas, Akriel once attempted to kill her father.
Location: Kartakass
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 63; Feast of Goblyns pg. 16

7th level Priest, Neutral Evil
Darklord of Daglan, Wight, Lawful Evil
A priestess of the Undead, Radaga wishes to be the most beautiful woman around and be adored by men.
Location: Kartakass/Daglan
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 13/14

Zhone Clieous
5th level Bard, ??
Meistersinger of Harmonia in 736.
Location: Harmonia, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 22

2nd level Fighter, True Neutral
Jailor of Harmonia.
Location: Harmonia, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 26

Devon & Bakhi
1st level Fighters, Neutral Good
Jail guards in Harmonia.
Location: Harmonia, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 26

Jaconos Hanabara
Loup-Garou, Chaotic Evil
Jaconos has been caught and is in the Harmonia jail.
Location: Kartakas
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 29

Wolfwere, Chaotic Evil
An associate of Harkon Lucas, Jackques is looking for a better house.
Location: Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 33

Ontosh & Maria
Joshua, Frantosh & Jelena

0-level Humans, ??
A family of farmers, Joshua was killed in 736 by a wolfwere.
Location: Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 32

Heinstock (beeter) Lupock
Wolfwere, Chaotic Evil
Cook at the Old Kartakan Inn.
Location: Skald, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 44

Werefox, Chaotic Evil
Servant at the Old Kartakan Inn.
Location: Skald, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 44

Haldrake Moonbaun
Greater Wolfwere, Neutral Evil
Bartender at the Old Kartakan Inn, Haldrake is Harkon's right hand man.
Location: Skald, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 45

Wolfwere, Chaotic Evil
Assistant bartender at the Old Kartakan Inn.
Location: Skald, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 45

Gleeda & Teena
3rd level Bards, Neutral Evil
Barmaids at the Old Kartakan Inn.
Location: Skald, Kartakass
Source: Feast of Goblyns pg. 45

?, ??
The illegitimate son of Harkon Lucas, Casimir died in 737.
Location: Kartakass
Source: Domains of Dread pg. 63

Jack Bequick
Trickster Vampire, Chaotic Evil
Normally just invisible, Jack must terrorize his victoms in order to attack them.
Date: ??
Location: Kartakass
Source: CotN:Vampires pg. 65

Mother Fury
7th level druid, Mountain Loup-Garou, Chaotic Evil
Mother Fury is the leader of a cult that worships a bestial nature.
Location: Kartakass, along the border with Hazlan
Source: CotN:Werebeasts

The following were left unplaced by TSR. The Mordent Cartographic Society has placed them here.

Niall MacGranin, the Lord Forfarmax
??, ??
A well educated man with an interest in astrology.
Location: Forfarmax, Forlorn
Source: CotN:Ghosts pg. 80

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